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Please Don’t Give Toyin Aimakhu Her Instagram Account Back: Ayomide O. Tayo Begs Hackers!

According to a Senior Associate at Pulse NG, Ayomide O. Tayo: Now that Toyin Aimakhu's Instagram has been hacked it is best she does not get it back again.

We can all agree that Toyin Aimakhu has been one of the celebrities that has been embroiled in drama all year along. Everywhere you go Toyin Aimakhu is in some sort of controversy.

Last month Toyin Aimakhu got caught in the #SaveMayowa controversy. The whole saga ended up in a mess and blew up in her face. The actress keeps shooting herself on the foot via social media.

In 2016 alone Toyin Aimakhu has had a meltdown, denounced a lover
and ranted at an Ovarian cancer patient’s family on Instagram. If Toyin Aimakhu has done all these with the old format of Instagram, imagine what she would do with the new Instagram which kids are calling InstaSnap. She would do the unthinkable.

Luckily for us someone hacked into her Instagram account over the weekend. As at that the last time I checked her account wasn’t back. Please this is a cry for help! Whoever is responsible for hacking Toyin Aimakhu should not give her back her account details. It’s time for her to be locked out from that social media app.

Toyin Aimakhu needs an exile from social media so that she can not do or say anything controversial. Aren’t you tired of her mess? Well, me I am tired and I am happy her Instagram account has been hacked. It should stay like that for the next 12 months until she knows how to behave.

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