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How To Massage Your Bre*asts To Make Them Bigger

Massage Your Breast
[toc]Many women are unaware of the fact that massaging bre.asts in the right way can make them bigger. As a result, they often undergo expensive surgeries, when the same effect can be achieved at a lower cost. Also, while bre.ast surgeries have some side effects such as pain, swelling and redness in the area, breast massage is completely safe. In fact, if you opt for the right techniques, you will feel completely rejuvenated and relaxed at the end of the massage session.
Of course, it is true that if you choose massage techniques for enhancing your bre.ast size, you won’t be able to see overnight results (as it happens with a surgery). However, if you are patient and willing to try out cost effective natural methods, rather than expensive surgeries, undergoing breast massage would be the ideal option for you. Here are some breast massage techniques that you can implement for making your bre.asts bigger.

5 Ways To  Massage Your Bre.asts To Make Them Bigger

Use Gentle Strokes

Before beginning the massage session, it is important that you buy a good bre.ast massage cream or oil, preferably an herbal product. Now, make yourself comfortable and undress.
Use Gentle Strokes
Place at least three fingers on your breast and massage the area gently with downward strokes. Avoid massaging the ni.pples as they are extremely sensitive and may break into rashes or pimples.

Knead One Of Your Bre.asts Lightly

Now, hold any of your bre.asts with both your hands and knead it slightly. For best results, apply the pressure evenly. Never exert excessive pressure on the bre.asts because this may cause sagging or other problems. Continue the procedure for few minutes and now, repeat it with another bre.ast.
none; border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; margin: 0px; max-width: 100%; vertical-align: middle;">Knead One Of Your Breasts Lightly

Twirling Your Bre.asts Is Crucial

Once you are done with the above mentioned step, you can move on to the next step. Here, you should stop kneading and instead, twirl your left breast.
For best results, hold the breast firmly (but not tightly) and move it first in clock wise direction. Next, using the same procedure, you should move it in anti clock wise direction. Repeat the procedure with your right bre.ast.  Do this for ten times at least.

Use Your Palms

Now, stop using your fingers and instead, take help of your palms. Place your palms on any of your bre.asts and move them downwards as you would do, while massaging the breasts with the help of downward strokes.
For best results, keep massaging the bre.asts for at least 10 minutes. Avoid touching your nipples or areola as such a step can harm your bre.ast health.

Relaxing Is Crucial

Once you have performed these above mentioned steps, it is time to relax. Close your eyes and listen to some soothing music, if possible. You can also read a book, while lying on your back. Whatever you do, ensure that you don’t perform any activity lying on your stomach, immediately after the massage.
Once your skin has absorbed goodness of the cream or oil, go for a relaxing bath and gently pat your bre.asts dry.Use these techniques for massaging your bre.asts and enhancing their sizes.
Relaxing Is Crucial
Source: ayurvedicure

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