You will find her blushing, giggling and
smiling with these 7 surprising tips. Make your woman have memories of
joy, laughter and love with these simple and effective secrets that will
win her heart in an instant.
These seven surprising things will move
any woman and make her find you very sexy and attractive. You can't go
wrong with these tips as provided by Madeleine Holden.
1. When you dance (Even if you lack coordination)
A lot of men are scared to dance because
they know they’re no Bruno Mars, but men who can be playful and
light-hearted without taking themselves too seriously consistently find
favour with women. Don’t be a stranger to the dance floor even if you
don’t rate your own moves, or if that’s still a little scary, see point 5
above and let loose in the comfort of your own kitchen.
2. When you smell nice
This is an easy one to check off and
it’s being passed up by too many men. Guys: It’s not good enough to
merely smell not-bad, and there are plenty of masculine scents for you
to play with. Find a cologne that works on you and make it your
signature scent — and watch as women start sidling closer.
3. When you really listen
It’s not surprising that women want
their opinions and views to be heard, and the idea that men don’t listen
seems to bear out in real life frustratingly often. After asking women
what they find attractive, a clear turn-on emerges that outstrips almost
all others: being genuinely listened to. It’s a shame that something so
basically decent is fawned over by women, but generations of rude men
have made it easy for you to stand out here. Letting us finish our
sentences? Forming a sincerely thoughtful response when we explain our
point of view? We’re positively craving it.
4. When you make the bed
Competence in the domestic sphere is an
almost unanimously attractive quality in men, and women report finding
lots of
different things sexy in this domain, such as the ability to
fold laundry well, keep a bathroom spotless and perfectly scoop an
avocado from its shell. But one household activity is so widely favoured
amongst women it’s surprising it’s not yet its own sub-genre of women’s
erotica, and that’s watching a man make a bed. Seriously: women can’t
get enough of it — so start perfecting those hospital corners.
5. When you're good in the kitchen
People who don’t appreciate being cooked
a nice meal are few and far between, but the frequency with which women
report cooking as a turn on has certainly been under-reported. Some
women like a man who can whip up a fancy signature dish, and others are
happy with smaller gestures, like a simple breakfast or great cup of
coffee. One thing’s for sure, though: An apron is a good look on you.
6. When you pay attention to how you're dressed
There’s a stale trope that (straight)
men can throw on any old thing that’s vaguely clean and be good to go;
that it’s an affront to a man’s masculinity to care too much about how
he looks. However, it’s clear that tons of women are turned on by the
very opposite: Men who know their exact suit measurements, meticulously
launder their white T-shirts, and wear clothes, like shorts that come
above the knee and very tight jeans, that "manly men" might shy away
from. Women are firm on this one: Men who pay careful attention to their
presentation are devastatingly sexy.
7. When you brush or play with her hair
This one shouldn’t come as a surprise to
you if you happen to have long hair, or if you’re just a human being
with nerve endings in your scalp. Having your hair touched feels SO
good! Having it brushed or played with is like an intimate, at-home
version of a head massage, and plenty of women find that irresistible.
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