It’s really strange and may be even
frightening but these freaks of nature are the same human beings as
anyone else. But they have some extra body parts
Three-brea*st-ed woman.
Tridevil is a three-brea-st*-ed woman. She had third brea*-st
surgically implanted, but claims her brea-st*s are real and she doesn’t
care what anybody thinks.

Girls with eight limbs.
This Indian girl was born with four arms
and four legs. A parasitic twin stopped developing in mother womb’s
attached to her. The surviving foetus absorbed limbs and the kidneys.
This lady is really horny.

The horn of this Chinese woman grows an inch every year.
There’s nothing special at first sight… But you’ll be amazed to know the truth about these triplets!

Hannah Kersey, from England, has two
separate wombs and is considered to be a medical mystery. She gave birth
to twins from one womb and to a one more baby from the other. So, these
triplets are far from usual!

Another interesting case of mutation was
registered in China. A child was born with 16 toes. Besides that, the
kid has 15 fingers.
Three legs. And two hearts!

George Lippert was born in Germany in
1844. In addition to being born with three legs, he was also born with
two functioning hearts, although that condition was unknown until the
autopsy in 1906.
This girl was born with two va-gin*-as!

When Hazel Jones turned 18, she was
given her astonishing diagnosis – she had two v-agi*-nas. She has the
million-in-one condition called uterus didelphys, which means she has
two separate uteruses and cervixes as well. Due to that Hazel lost her
vir-gi*n”ity twice. The woman, now 30-year-old, says that her condition
is a huge advantage actually. And she has a great s-ex”-x life.
Two-headed baby.

Another unbelievable example of
conjoined twins. This Indian baby was born with one heart, lungs, liver
and pelvis – but it has two heads!
Two-faced boy.

A facial cleft is a malformation of a
part of the face. Kangkang is a Chinese boy born with a very rare
condition making him look like having a mask on top of his face. The
baby is absolutely healthy, if not to take into account his appearance.
The nose on his forehead.

A man from China, needed a new nose
after a traffic accident. Doctors decided to grow a new nose on his
forehead in order to replace the old damaged one.
Parasitic twin.

This Japanese girl was born with a limb
on her back belonging to an undeveloped foetus that attached to her back
in the womb. At the age of 11 years, the foetus was developed enough it
was visible. She underwent a surgery and the foetus was removed from
her back.
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