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Many Africans' souls have been damaged- Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri, a former aide to the immediate past President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, has said the soul of many Africans has been damaged.

He said this in a series of post on his Twitter page, where he claimed many Africans are going around with wrong believes.

He condemned the adoption of white marriage by Africans, and also the adoption of Wake Keeping, for burials.

He wrote;

The psyche of many Africans is so damaged to the extent they believe church weddings are the only acceptable marriage in God’s eye. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible has nothing like church wedding. It‘s a European custom, no better than native African weddings

Church marriage or White Wedding, originated in the Catholic Church in the year 1563. There is NOTHING Christian about it and EVERYTHING European about it. It is not even in The Bible. Your native African marriage is as valid, in God’s sight, as a White Wedding

Those who describe wake keepings as ‘Christian Wake Keeping’ are either ignorant or deceitful. Wake Keepings are a EUROPEAN tradition. Lazarus died and was buried immediately. Jesus died and was buried immediately. Africans should not blindly follow European customs

One of the saddest things I’ve observed is the fact that Africans still bear European, Jewish or Arabic names. I have read both The Bible and Quran. You DONT need to bear a European, Jewish or Arabic name to be a Christian or Muslim. Your African name is good enough

The past is past. You can learn from the past but you can’t influence it. It is immature to focus on what you can’t influence and starve attention from what you can influence. Focus your thought energy on influencing the future by preparing yourself in the present

The psyche of many Africans is so damaged to the extent they believe church weddings are the only acceptable marriage in God’s eye. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible has nothing like church wedding. It‘s a European custom, no better than native African weddings #RenosNuggets

— Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) October 6, 2018

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