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GOODNEWS: Nigeria army's secured, made north east impenetrable by insurgents- Group

A team of international observers made up of journalists, CSOs, NGOs and social media influencers have lauded the Nigerian Army for making the north-east impenetrable for Boko Haram terrorists to seize any of its territory again. The group however called on Nigerians to shun fake news regarding the insurgency in the north east. It also called on citizens in the North East of the country to interrogate news content before circulating “so as not to embolden the terrorists.”

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This was just as the team also showered encomiums on the Nigerian Armed Forces for exerting a lot of efforts in grounding Boko Haram insurgency to a halt, saying that Nigerians should shun fake news saying the contrary.

The Team Leader, Mr Daniel Furnard disclosed this to journalists at a press briefing held recently in Lagos.

The Team alleged that most of the news emanating from the North East about the insurgents is fake news and a direct opposite of the actual situation on ground.

“Also, it was observed that the fake news emanating from the theatre of operation in North East gives the Boko Haram Terrorist a psychological boost and the audacity to make attempts at regrouping and launching attacks in communities.

“It could also send the wrong message to the international community about the efforts of the Nigerian government in confronting the Boko Haram threats to our sovereignty as a nation.

“It is advised that citizens must, therefore, interrogate news content before circulating some as the terrorists thrive on the gullibility of reasonable persons who do not cross-check their facts to reach out to the rest of the world with their falsehood.

“As a group conversant with the activities of the Nigeria Army in North East Nigeria, it should be stated that if this trend is not arrested, it could affect humanitarian works in the area.

“It was also observed that the troops are in high spirit and well-equipped with arms and ammunition. The fighting forces also stated that the Chief of Army Staff is a regular guest in the theatre of operations.

“The Nigeria Army deserves special commendation as well as other sister security agencies. The presence of the Army is well felt everywhere and recent political activities across the country are clear indications that Boko Haram has lost control of the fight which they were practically in charge sometimes in 2015” he said.

The Leader admonished the government and international organizations to support the communities and bring it back and restore normalcy so that everyone can continue to enjoy the dividends of citizenship.

“The Team observed that more people are still returning to these communities and it is expedient for the government to continue to provide essential amenities by rebuilding schools and hospitals.

“It is also recommended both local and international humanitarian organizations should come to the aid of these communities as it continues the rebuilding process, and even a return to their sources of livelihood to make life meaningful for them and for them to be able to carry-on with farming activities” Donald explicated

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