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“Another.. shot!” Richard hit the
glass cup on
the table. He was drunk already
and needed
more of the wine.
This time, Jay had returned back to
his seat
to start drinking. He stared at
Richard and
shook his head. “How many glasses
has he
“I don’t know.. he’s just been
drinking.” Uche
replied as he yawned.
“I don’t think he should take
anything any
longer. Though, I think this is
better than
wandering around.” Jay said.
“A lot better! If he had been
wandering around
the whole place, he might be
robbed or might
have done something bad to
himself. All the
same, he shouldn’t get drunk to
this state.”
“If she dies, I die!” Richard said and
mumbling some incoherent words
too. He had
lost all coordination.
“It seems this guy is going to cause
a scene.”
Jay said as he dropped his drink and
around if there was no one
watching them.
“Richard, stop this.” He winced.
Uche nudged him but he just
“Christina is my life! She must not
die oh! If
she dies, everyone is going to die.”
continued babbling until his friends
him up.
It seemed they overstayed already,
they should
get going.
Pemisire was still at the same spot
until she
made a move to peep at the
entrance, if there
was no one there. She didn’t know
what would
become of her father and twin
sister if she ran
away. She was agitated, short of
ideas at that
time. If she didn’t leave that spot
as early as
possible, she might even be caught.
“Alright, tell me. Where are the
documents?” The guy questioned
He had already made them kneel
on the floor
as he stood like a mountain before
wearing the face of a hungry lion
that could
devour any animal seen. He was
heavily, to make his anger known
to them.
“There are no classic documents.”
“I hateliars!” The guy roared as he
hit his
hand on Davies’ head and made
him lay on
the floor. His breathing hadn’t
neither the look on his face. He
looked into
Pemisayo’s eyes and walked closer
to her. “I
repeat, for the last time. Where is
that bag in
which documents are?”
Pemisayo couldn’t tell. She didn’t
even know
any document existed, if she knew,
she’d have
told the furious guy before her as
she shivered
on her kneels. She was just quiet,
it was just a
earring that was on her, the second
one must
have fallen while she was trying to
obey the
He gave a wicked laughter and
brought out
his phone. He punched some
buttons and
stepped aside to make a call,
maybe to the
person who sent them. “Proving
boss.” He said and was quiet for a
“Alright, the ball is in my court? I’ll
them.” He said and ended the call.
He walked
back to them exasperatingly and
pulled Davies
up. “Now…” he was about to talk
when his
accompanist stepped out. “No
other person.”
He stated as he walked closer.
“No problem. They will be wasted.”
laughed and faced Davies again.
“Where are
the documents? For your
information, Mart is
already dead and all his companies
would be
shut down soon. You know what
I’m saying,
don’t you?”
Davies had lost control then, he
looked worn
out as he knelt before him. “I.. d..
He stammered.
“Don’t tell me that crap!” He
blurted as he
stood upright and faced the fellow
“What do we do now?” The guy
“I was told they are three in this
house, make
sure you get that last lady! From all
indications, it seems she has the
He responded swinging his hands
“Alright.” The guy replied and
hastened back.


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