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So how’s Debbie?” Uche asked
Richard stroked his beard. “We
broke up.” He
hissed and picked up his drink
“You broke up?” Uche asked again,
this time
surprised. He kept his eyes on the
overwhelmed Richard and shook his
continuously. “This will be the third
lady… I
don’t even know, I think fourth.”
He tried to
remember as he closed his eyes.
“Yeah.. four
of them.” He surmised.
Richard chuckled softly. “They’ve
frustrating.” He said as he stared at
Jay who
discussed with the female
“I don’t think you still follow your
heuristic rule, this is annoying!
When will you
settle down? Guy, don’t let your
sister’s health
turn you to something else!”
“I don’t think they have true love
for me.” He
smiled faintly and drank from the
“Is it that they don’t have true
love for you or
that you an unrequited love for
them? Guy,
wake up!”
“I love them, they’ve always tried
to be rivals
between my sister and I.”
“You should be optimistic
concerning your
sister, don’t think otherwise. Try to
yourself down, life is not a bed of
roses, I have
my own problem too.” Uche said
“Yes, you do! You’re even wrong,
you were
meant to say that you have your
too, oral diarrhea that won’t make
you keep
shut!” He hissed.
Uche was tight-lipped for a
moment as he
stared at him. “You still have a lot
to work on,
your sense of humor is really.. I
don’t know!”
Richard laughed. “You won’t know.
I love my
sister, I love Christie, she’s my
“It’s not your fault.” Uche started
Richard swallowed. “It’s my
parents’ fault! If
the didn’t marry each other, would
they put
my sister in such a menacing
situation? I
wonder what brought them
together, I wonder
why they deliberately married just
to make
themselves happy and make us
unhappy. It’s
sad.” He placed his head on his
hands as he
started weeping again.
Christina was all he had. To him,
she was the
best sister in the world. She had a
bad state
of health because she was anemic,
would there be a month that she
wouldn’t be
rushed to the hospital. He had
fought his
parents because they got married
to ruin their
joy, he had been an unhappy guy
since his
sister’s sickness got worse. He
wasn’t chirpy
any longer, he had developed
hatred for ladies
because they always caution him to
things easy. He’d say- they don’t
have true
love, if they did, they would cater
for his
“Guy!We aren’t at home oh, we are
in the
public.” Uche said softly as he
tapped him.
Richard wiped his tears and raised
again. “One thing about me is that
I can’t keep
my characters for a lady. I love my
sister, fine!
If she loves me, she’s going to stay
and if she
doesn’t, let her go!”
“Alright, that is if you’ve not been
bad to these
“If they see it as a bad thing, fine!
I’ve always
tried to clear my conscience, you
know I’m
guileless.” He said and continued
“Alright… alright.” Uche gave an
awkward grin
and squinted his face.
Richard and Christina were like two
peas in a
As Pemisire kept the attaché case
under her
soft-side bed, she rushed because
her sister
might walk in. After getting it done,
smiled and sat again.
She picked up her diary and wrote
perhaps she might have written
what just
happened inside it. After she did
that, she
discovered she just made a big
mistake. What
if her diary was found? She nodded
continuously, “I have to be very
She picked up her mobile phone
and called
her best friend- Helen. She felt it
was a while
she heard her voice. After the call,
she picked
up her acoustic guitar and sat
She was a music composer and had
a lot of
songs composed. She loved playing
anytime, it looked as if it did wash
her worries
down. Sometimes she
remembered her mother,
the guitar would be her best friend,
to keep
her lively. As she played, she
moved her head
slowly with the rhythm of the song
she sang
along. She was filled with mirth.
Her soul was
lifted as she sang with passion. It
was her life,
as her twin sister liked to write
stories. Both
were extremely blessed with
After she played for some minutes,
dropped it back and darted out of
the room.
She went to the kitchen to prepare
something. She couldn’t eat at the
together party like her sister did
and was
famished already.
She was in the kitchen when the
chimed. “Who’s this person? This
night?” She
asked herself calmly as she leaned
against the
refinished oak cabinet.
The kitchen was a big one with a
tiles, it had an open plan with a
refinished oak
cabinet and pane style cabinet
Stainless steel cookers which had at
least five
tops, a black dishwasher, a
microwave which
was near the white deep fryer
plugged to the
wall and sink which had a window
over it,
covered with a floral curtain. It had
a rack for
the utensils and brushed stainless
She tried to peep and saw two guys
walked in. “Who are these ones?”
She asked
herself as she gazed at them. The
guys sat
down freely, smiling as they
admired the
“I think trouble is brewing.” She
said as she
took in a long breath and exhaled
Pemisayo locked up the door and
decided to
leave the living room for the
visitors when she
was called back by the guys, to
have her seat.
One of them started the discussion
with a
buirdly voice. “I learnt you are
three inside this
house, where’s the last lady?”
Davies was getting terrified as he
stared at
them. To him, they didn’t look
armed but if
they weren’t, they wouldn’t come
in just like
that. The approach looked
There was silence for a while.
Pemisire had
stopped peeking, her heartbeat had
as she left the place she stood. Her
father had
said it, it seemed they came for
the classic
documents already. What would
she do? Run
away? She wasn’t certain, she
wasn’t sure of
what to be done. She could
maneuver her way
into the room, but if she ran away,
what of her
father and her twin sister? She was
now ill at
ease properly, thinking on what to
do. She had
left her phone inside the room,
and did that
even matter then? What mattered
was the
safety of the three and the classic
She thought and peeped again.
The earlier, the better. She walked
across the dinning room. It was
that saw her as she tiptoed inside
the house,
the guys sat backing the dining
room where
Pemisire walked through. She had
to do
everything with ease, it looked as if
they were
desperate to get her.
She opened the door to her room
gently and
got hold of the attaché case when
she heard
the roaring voices of the guys from
where she
was. She looked around the room
to reach her
phone but couldn’t find it. She
must have left
it in the kitchen, thinking she left
the room
without it earlier.
She had started panicking as she
held on to
the case firmly. What would she
do? She
summoned courage and walked out
of the
room quietly so she could hear
what the
discussion was all about. “Get me
the last
lady!” She heard vividly.
She was in the bigger sitting room
that was
upstairs then. Should she descend
the stairs?
She was antsy and confused
already. Or has it
been known that she was with the
documents already? The
documents every man
would want to have.
She heard the shout of her twin
sister and the
attaché case fell from her hands
due to the
fear. “Someone is still in this house,
go and
get her.” One of the guys
addressed the other
as they heard the hollow thud
made by the
case. She picked up the case
quickly. She had
known that would stir up their zeal
to get her.
She ran through the stairs behind
the house
to the backyard. How could she tell
if there
was one of those guys at the gate?
Her big
brown eyes started squeezing out


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