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BRT Bus Driver Took Delivery of a Woman (PHOTO)

On Thursday 11th of August 2016, while waiting for the arrival of a bus at the Mile 12 terminal, Mrs. Mary Obi went into labour and was delivered of a bouncing baby girl by Mr. Agape Eyenre a busman (driver) at Primero Transport Services Limited, Operator of the blue BRT on the floor at about 5.20am.

The Management Team of Primero Transport Services Limited on Thursday, paid the new mother and baby a visit at her residence at Imoleayo Street, Maidan, Mile 12 where she lives with her husband, Mr. Obi and their two older children.

Mrs. Obi, narrating the incident, said: “my actual due date was on Wednesday 10th August, but the baby didn’t show any sign until 12 midnight when I started having little contraction which was not so severe.”

Still sharing her experience, Mrs. Obi further said, “By morning at about 5am my husband and I left for the hospital. [But] on getting to Mile 12 while my husband went to look for cab, the contraction got severe and I could not hold it any longer.

[Then] I fell to the ground shouting for help until like 6 minutes before the busman (BRT driver) came to my rescue.”

On his part, Mr. Agape said, “while I was waiting for my bus to load, I heard the woman screaming for help and someone told me she’s trying to give birth. I moved closer to her [and] on getting there, the baby had started crowning. I told the woman to relax that I know about delivery. She cooperated and [I] asked her to push.

“At this point, people started gathering to cover up also assisted me with blade and twine. I took the delivery of the baby, separated her from the mother with the blade and used the twine to hold her umbilical cord. I cleaned the baby with my uniform. Also, Mrs. Obi had olive oil and cotton wool with her which I used for proper cleaning of the baby [and] also the mother.”

It was learnt that Mr. Agape Eyenre is a son of a mid-wife and has assisted his mother during delivery sessions in the past. Before he rescued little Miss Obi, it’s been 3 years since he last took a delivery. Both mother and child are in good health.

We at Primero Transport Services Limited - Operators of the new blue BRT line – once again congratulate the Obi Family on the arrival of their baby girl. It is our prayer that the good Lord continues to guide and protect them.

We would also like to appreciate Mr. Agape Eyenre – the Busman – for his role in ensuring Mrs. Mary Obi had a safe delivery. His courageous and selfless act is worthy of commendation and we so much appreciate it.


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