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These Suicide Bombers Wanted To Carry Out An Attack - You Won't Believe What Some Villagers Did After Catching Them

These Suicide Bombers Wanted To Carry Out An Attack - You Won't Believe What Some Villagers Did After Catching Them
Four militants detonated suicide bombs after being found out by a group of locals on a Lake Chad island, with the locals killing three of the attackers but no one else, official and security sources said on Wednesday. The sources told Reuters that the bombers were said to be part of a group of seven male and
female militants headed from Chad’s Yogo Island to a weekly market in the lakeside town of Bol in a motorised canoe late on Tuesday.
A local official said, "They were intercepted by villagers who wanted to search them and they resisted." He added that the three others managed to swim away," after shedding the explosives they were carrying. Chad declared a state of emergency in the region after dozens of people were killed in multiple bombings in the nearby town of Baga Sola in October and the Lake Chad island of Koulfoua in December.

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