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Study Reveals That Women Are More Attracted To Men With Large Pen!s

Men with the biggest anaconda better start walking around nakeddy to attract woman faster because Previous studies on women’s preferences for anaconda size have been mixed, and even though it is the men who typically worry about the size of their own anaconda, it is not unusual for women to prefer large-size anaconda, even if it is up to a point.
But scientists have always argued that the old studies relied on questionnaires, which they say may not always provide honest answers.
However, it is now scientifically proven that size does, indeed, matter significantly because women tend to be more attracted to men with large anaconda.size matters A new study by Australian researchers found that while the average woman rates the average man with large anaconda more attractive, large anaconda also give tall men a bigger attractiveness boost than shorter men.
A publication of the study result in the journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however, notes that the returns on bigger anaconda start to decrease at a flaccid ‘pole length of 2.99 inches (7.6 centimeters).
The study suggests that women’s preferences for bigger male anaconda could explain why human males have relatively big anaconda for their body size.
In previous related studies, scientists only asked women to judge the attractiveness of male figures in photos with only ‘pole size varied, when in fact no trait is ever evaluated in a vacuum.
But in the Australian study, researchers at the Australian National University, showed 105 young Australian women life-size computer-generated figures of nu de men, varying the figures’ flaccid ‘pole size, height and shoulder-to-hip ratio.
Height and shoulder-to-hip ratio have previously been shown as factors used by women to judge attractiveness. The computer simulations varied ‘pole width in sync with length, so that all anaconda were proportional.
The results revealed that women preferred taller men as well as high shoulder-to-hip ratios (meaning that the wider the shoulders were than the hip, the more attractive the man).
Shoulder-to-hip ratio was a major determiner of attractiveness, accounting for 79.6 percent of the variation in hot-or-not ratings.
text-decoration: none;">size matters Though the effect was less extreme, women also preferred larger male anaconda, at least up to 5.1 inches (13 cm) flaccid, which was the largest computer-generated penile size in the study. Beyond 2.99 inches, however, the additional attractiveness per extra length started to decline.
When the researchers controlled for shoulder-to-hip ratio, they found that a larger anaconda had a greater effect on attractiveness for taller men, hinting that a larger anaconda just looked more proportional on a taller man’s body, the researchers wrote, or it could be that women were biased against shorter men to the extent that even large anaconda didn’t help.
Interestingly, women’s own features mattered as well. Researchers found that taller women were more likely to find taller men attractive. Women with greater body mass per height were slightly more likely than thinner women to weigh ‘pole size more heavily in their judgments of attractiveness, though the difference was small.
Researchers say the findings might help explain why humans have remarkably large anaconda given their average body size.
It is a fact that male humans have the largest anaconda that any other primate species: For example, male gorillas can weigh as much as 180 kilograms, but their erect ‘pole length is only about 1.5 inches (4 cm).
Human males weigh about half of what gorillas do, but studies peg average erect or flaccid-but-stretched penis length from 4.7 inches (12 cm) to 6.5 inches (16.7 cm).
Evolutionary biologists theorize that large human pole might help remove sp’erm from
competing males during sex, but in an era before clothing, women may have been drawn to mating with men whose anaconda caught their eye.
Men with larger anaconda, then, may have passed on their genes more readily, resulting in the large-‘pole trait being handed down the generations.
In other words, males may have females to thank for their greater-than-gorilla-sized anaconda.

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