After a hard working day when you get
home, pour 10 cm of cold, icy water in a bowl or in the bathtub for your
feet. Add a greater amount of ice if you do not have water from to
fridge to make it icy. Put your feet in the bathtub and tap in the water
for 10 min.
Afterwards wipe the feet with a towel
and then put on wool
socks. By doing this procedure every night before
go to bed, you will significantly strengthen your immune system. You
should start as soon as possible if you already have had flu issue. In
that situation, it would be perfect to tap your feet in icy water every 4
hours. However, do not panic, it will not harm your health. The
procedure will only improve your health – explains Dr. Sergey, eminent
kinesitherapy specialist.
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