Hold tight and never let him go!
1. He knows your breakfast order by heart.
Whether it’s a toasted whole wheat sesame bagel with scrambled eggs and cheese and freshly squeezed orange juice or just black coffee. He’ll run out to pick it up or take you with him and recite your order by heart.
He pays attention to the details of what you like.
2. He checks in on his way home.
With a quick text, “Leaving the bar in 10 minutes. See you soon…” he lets you know that he hasn’t forgotten you, and that he’s ready to be with his favorite person again.
He’s not sending this text because he thinks you’re paranoid, needy or insecure. He sends it out of mutual respect. He knows that giving you a head’s up prevents you from worrying about his safety or his level of sobriety. And it reminds you that he realizes the best part of his night has yet to begin.
It’s also keeping you in the loop so you can cue up the movie you’ve been waiting to watch together.
3. He takes care of you.
He’ll grab you an Advil and a glass of water if you have a headache. He’ll hit the pharmacy for some tissues and cough meds and pick up chicken noodle soup when you have a bad head cold. He’ll force you to take zinc lozenges and nudge you to see a doctor when you claim to be too busy to make an appointment.
4. He calls during the day just to check in.
He may have a funny story to share or he might simply want to see how work is going. He’ll often try to convince you to shut down early so you can spend time together
5. He’s great with kids.
style="font-size: large;">He will be loyal to his team no matter how many times they lose, how many quarterbacks they go through in one season, or how far down the rankings they fall. This loyalty will be passed down to his relationships with family, friends, and even his future spouse. Once devoted, he’s in it for life.
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13. He’s still regularly in touch with several of his childhood friends.
Each considers your guy his best friend. He makes the time to call them back to find out what’s going on with them and will find a way to connect with them despite living in different cities and time zones.
14. He over-tips the wait staff at restaurants on a regular basis and is exceptionally polite to service industry workers in general.
You know that if he cares enough to treat total strangers with respect that he’d do that times ten for you, and everyone else he loves.
15. He’s mature.
He is not one to get swept up in the crowd’s momentum without making his own decisions. If several of his friends are doing whiskey shots until 4 AM, he’s the one making sure the tab is paid and that everyone gets home safely.
16. He’s incredibly handsome without trying.
He’s low maintenance and dresses for comfort. The more you’ve gotten to know him, the better looking he’s become. He couldn’t care less what brand your jeans are or how high your heels are. He finds you beautiful in everything.
17. He says at least one thing every day that makes you crack up.
It’s not always intentional—sometimes, it’s just his outlook on things. Though he definitely gets your sense of humor and loves to make you laugh.
18. He knows how to handle you when you’re in a bad mood.
Whether it’s letting you rant for ten minutes straight while you go on about the incredibly selfish friend you have or to force you to go for a walk. He knows better than to start pressing buttons when you’re in this state and he’ll always take your side, even if you’re wrong.
19. He’s secure enough to love your strengths.
He supports and encourages your independence, which is what he loves about you. He respects your need to keep up your own friendships but is happy to join you when invited.
20. He smells really good.
When you hug him, you just want to keep on hugging him, just to breathe in his amazing scent that encapsulates the unique impression he makes. You hope that whatever you’re wearing will absorb just a little bit of his magic and hold on tight to it, releasing traces of it sporadically throughout your day.
21. He’s your biggest fan.
When someone asks him about you, he lights up and proudly describes someone that you’re excited to be. He celebrates your successes because he’s someone who knows you inside and out and can appreciate both your struggles and achievements.
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