Research has shown that 90 percent of Male Fertility problems
are as a result of men’s failure to produce enough sperm.Recent
research has also shown that 70 percent of all deformities that are
found in babies are as a result of lack of quality sperm.Low sperm count
affects approximately one in 25 men. With all these statistics, how do
we overcome the problem of low sperm count in men? Apart from seeking
medical solution to the problem
of low sperm count, there are also foods that when taken will not only
increase the sperm count but will also go a long way in increasing the
quality of sperm.
Lets take a look at five foods that helps in increasing sperm count and reducing infertility rate in men.
1. Garlic
Although , taking garlic can be a
difficult task for some men due to its scent . The scent should not
dissuade you from taking it if you plan on having your own baby
soon.Garlic helps a lot in the production of sperm count . Garlic
contains an antioxidant called selenium which helps in sperm motility.
Start adding garlic to your meal today to boost your sperm count.
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2. Ginseng
Ginseng is found mostly in cooler climate and basically in north America and
Asia. Scientists have proven that this great plant enhance libido and
sexual performance. In a study published by Journal of Urology, 45 men
suffering from erectile dysfunction were administered ginseng for 16
weeks. At the end of the trial, 27 out the 45 men said Ginseng improved
their ere ction.
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