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And Here Is Why You Should Not Smoke Weed And Take Naked Selfies

Smoking weed can have some serious repercussions for your mental state, as this guy discovered recently, and taking naked selfies WHILE smoking weed?? That's a deadly combo. Lol

Read his experience below.

"So I just got back from college and haven’t smoked in a while so I was pretty high. I got super tripped out and started looking at myself in the mirror.

I thought it was a good idea to send my girlfriend nudes so I got out Snapchat to save a pic for later. So I took a full nude pic in the mirror and then got really distracted. That’s when my memory cut out for a moment.

When I snapped out of it, I had no
idea what I had been doing in the last few minutes.

I looked down at my phone and saw two sent Snapchats; one to my younger brothers girlfriend, and the other to my female coworker. I kind of realized what probably happened because their names started with the same letter, and I must have bumped the phone when I sat down.

I started freaking the fuck out and calling and texting them to try to make sure they wouldn’t open my Snapchat. So I went out to my brother who was in the living room and he told me to chill the fuck out and sleep. But I had him text her in case she opens it first.

So right now I’m in bed still high and no ones opened it yet and i'm probably fucked."

Lmao!! I don't know if the people later opened but i am sure he will never indulge in this deadly combo as long as he lives

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