Don't ever try to do the things listed here when your woman is in the mood or she will be pissed. Most men don't know what to say and what not to say during a s*xual encounter with their woman.
that he gets the most amount of pleasure and also suffers no consequences." - Bmoreisapunkrocktown
"No condom = no s*x. Seriously. I don't know you, you don't know me, that fish ain't swimming up my stream." - Cananbaum
6. When You Don't Reciprocate
"When he wants lots of sexual attention but gives absolutely none." - Rakaith
"How is someone who doesn't reciprocate oral s*x not on this list yet? It's in my top 5 dealbreakers for sure." - sent_the_warmup
7. Lacking Libido
"A low libido is a slow death in a relationship. Things always start hot and heavy. But if the frequency of s*x drops from often, to weekly, to occasionally, I'm out." - trust_me_gonewild
"Someone with a low or nonexistent s*x drive." - Taketwoandgo
8. Your Size (Sorry)
"A small penis. Most people say it's not a big deal, and how you use it is important."
"Length is overrated, girth is more important for me. But even if you're a bit below average on that, I echo the 'as long as it's not a micropenis' sentiment." - espressoromance
"Not just that, fingers come into play a lot, learn to use toys too. Let her play with herself too, if they like talking, learn to dirty talk well." - km4098
So, what did we learn? Obviously, for a lot of these, it'll depend on the person you're hooking up with. But some common themes emerge: Keep her pleasure in mind, make sure that she's not left worrying about whether the s*x is safe or not and make some noise. Simple.
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