While being jailed is one of the most
dreaded life experiences, a lot of prisons are so welcoming that someone
like me who’s from Africa would certainly mistake such for a resort!!
They are so nice that they are far better than the homes of most of the
convicted criminals.
It’s no joke at all dear, such cushy and
cozy prisons do exist. You’ll soon see for yourself as you read down
this article. And mind you, that thought going on in your mind right now
is absolutely wrong because the countries having these cla$$ of prisons
are recorded to have the lowest crime rates ever!!!
Her Majesty Prison is probably not meant
for punishment but for rehabilitation. The modern decor is functional,
as well as clean and comfortable. The prison has a capacity of 700, and
holds male inmates who have been convicted, and some who are awaiting
Here, inmates are given 40 hours a week
of purposeful activity aimed at building job skills to allow for a
transition back to normal life.
This is one of the coolest looking
prison in the world. The gym looks like something you’d see at an
upscale apartment complex, and the furniture reminds us of something out
of an IKEA catalog. The walls of the prison are made of wood, and
shatter-proof gla$$, and some cells even have balconies (although they
do include bars).
The “pods”, or groups of 15,
single-person cells include private bathrooms, and a shared kitchen and
they look more like dorm rooms than prison cells. Single-occupancy cells
also come with their own private kitchenette, floor-to-ceiling windows,
and a private bathroom.
The prisoners are also allowed to wear
their own clothes. The idea is that the more normal life is inside
prison, the less re-socializing and adjusting they have to do when they
Aranjuez Prison is the only one in the
world with cells for families. The spacious units, dubbed “five-star
cells,” come with cribs, Disney characters on the walls and access to a
prison playground. The idea is for children to bond with their jailed
parents while young enough not to fully grasp the reality of prison, and
to teach parenting skills to inmates seeking rehabilitation. Some
parents have two toddlers in the prison, and the total currently stands
at 32.
A typical example is that of Victor
Manuel Lozano who spends his days like most two-year-olds. He goes to
nursery school, draws, rides a tricycle. The difference is he does it in
prison, living with his mum, a convicted murderer, and his dad, a drug
However, the kids don’t get to grow up
in prison forever. They’re only allowed to stay until age 3, when
they’ll be sent off to live with a relative or to social services.
The conditions of life in Champ Dollon
Prison could go for that of a 3-star hotel or a standard dormitory. The
cells are meant to contain three occupants with attached toilet and
bathroom, shelves, tables and other convenience facilities.
The atmosphere is just clean, calm and
peaceful, nicer than the homes of most of the inmates and staying here,
one would hardly be obsessed with the jail term.
At Champ Dollon, it’s another story
altogether! The rooms are decked out with designer furniture, karaoke
machines, fridges, bathrooms, and personal climate controlled air
condition, and a beauty salon that offers haircuts and spa treatments.
And their promotional video includes a
nifty jingle about peace, love, and harmony, as well as tearful inmates
thankful for their incarceration. If it is for comfort and luxury,
Pondok is to be reckoned with. The only requirement is that you’ve got
to have a healthy bank account enjoy life to the full here.
JVA Fuhlbuettel is Hamburg’s luxury
prison for long serving inmates. Renovated and reopened in 2011, it was
actually designed to serve as a home far from home.
The cells are spacious and each include a
bed, couch and the unique fascinating combination shower and toilet.
Prisoners have machines to do their laundry and a small conference room.
The inmates enjoy moderate luxury.
The only thing that makes Sollentuna
inmates prisoners is that they cannot leave the prison and live their
normal lives with the outside environment – friends, families, etc. As
for every other area of life, the Sollentuna prison offers living
comfort in abundance.
Here, inmates have access to a fully
loaded gym. So they need not do rough workouts which characterizes other
ordinary prisons to keep their bodies in shape. They are also able to
cook their own meals, and watch TV on their own couch.
Founded in 1982, Bastoy Prison is
located on a lush, 1-square-mile island of pine trees and rocky coasts,
with views of the ocean that are postcard-worthy. The prison houses 115
inmates and has been labelled one of the most liberal prisons in the
world. The prison is working to become the first ecological prison in
the world. Inmates live in wooden cottages, and work on the prison farm.
Prisoners live in communal houses with
televisions, kitchens, living rooms and private bedrooms. Everyone has a
job and must report for work at 8:30 am and again at 3:30 pm. During
free time, prisoners can go horse riding, fishing, play tennis,
cross-country skiing, running or swimming at their own private beach.
Bastoy is more like a camping resort than a prison.
The Cebu prison is not on this list,
necessarily for luxury facilities or comfort but for its recreational
life unusual for prisons. Officially known as the Cebu Provincial
Detention and Rehabilitation Center, the Cebu inmates have dancing
sessions as its major means of rehabilitation.
Being a prisoner here is more like being
enrolled into a choreography school. Some of the videos are posted
online for public view and occasionally, the dance shows are watched
live by people who are able to attend. The prisoners dance away their
sorrows and almost forget they’re prisoners in the thrills.
Halden Prison is a maximum-security
prison in Halden, Norway. Established in 2010, it was created with a
focus on rehabilitation that is reflected in its design. Halden Prison
was built with 1.5 billion Norwegian kroner ($252 million/£15 million)
and was constructed over 10 years. Since most inmates will eventually
return to society, the prison mimics the outside world as much as
possible to prepare them for freedom.
At Halden, rooms include en-suite
bathrooms with ceramic tiles, mini-fridges and flat-screen TVs. It feels
more like a resort than jail, and prisoners here enjoy freedoms that
would be unthinkable elsewhere. If you ever have a glance of this
prison, you can’t help but go home thinking of the most suitable crime
to get you a ticket to that paradise called prison!
There are only 3,600 people in prison in
Norway, compared with 2.3 million in the United States, according to
the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Relative to population, the U.S. which
have some of the most horrible prison conditions has about 10 times as
many inmates as Norway. The maximum sentence in Norway, even for murder,
is 21 years.
What do you think of the provision of
luxury facilities in prisons? Do you think it’s a good way to curb crime
or on the contrary promote it? Let’s have your opinion on the comment
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