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As Evil People Celebrate Diezani’s Cancer Photos: Here Are 26 Irrefutable Facts You Must Know [MUST READ]

IMG_20151114_024927Saturday, November 14, 2015, Nigerians awoke to images of former Petroleum Minister and OPEC President, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke in a cancer-stricken state.
Immediately, some irresponsible Buhari supporters and members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) began to rain curses on the poor woman on social media.
These are some irrefutable facts on what the issues are:
1. She has not used pathos nor appealed for anyone’s sympathy. She is just a sick woman that even delayed her hospital photos till she had a slight break from the chemo. While, in office she was undergoing chemo in the UK. The cancer seems to have progressed….sadly.
2. She has not sought an injunction from any court that would stop her prosecution.
3. Sick people are prosecuted. Buhari’s army even courtmartials dead soldiers. Deziani has not told anyone she cannot attend a trial.
4. Deziani is in the UK, same place that jailed Ibori and was prosecuting late Alamieseigha. The same UK that has an extradition agreement with Nigeria.
5. Deziani is facing ZERO charges in the UK. The National Crime Agency said they had NO plans to prosecute her.
6. The Nigerian Senate cleared NNPC of any fraud under Alison-Madueke.

7. External world-reputed auditors, KPMG, audited Diezani’s NNPC. They did not find her wanting.
8. For 6 months, since the media lynching began, Buhari, Oshiomole, and associates have been unable to bring up charges against her.
9. We understand that more international auditors have been commissioned to investigate her. The silence from the All Progressives Congress (APC) is deafening on this. Could it be they are finding ZERO evidence of wrongdoing?
10. Six monthssss, 6 MONTHSSS, six months after Buhari took office, NO WORD of an account or money traced to her. SIX MONTHSSSSSSS!
11. The new NNPC boss, Ibe Kachikwu praised Diezani and her initiatives, right there on national TV, before the Senate when he was being screened for minister. Today, he is minister of state for Petroleum. Buhari has named himself minister of Petroleum.
12. The SUBSIDY FRAUD Buhari and associates accused her of, they are paying the same amounts she paid even when crude oil price has been halved.
13. It is the same arrangements for refining fuel abroad, and so on that NNPC is still using under Buhari… The same contracts to Diezani signed.
14. Buhari having shot from the hips, banned all the vessels she approved to lift crude oil. All the vesseles have been given clean bill of health by the same Buhari and cleared to continue lifting crude.
15. The Tompolo that she and her government put in charge of waterway security and as some sort of “citizen policing/vigilante”, the Buhari government and NIMASA, having reviewed it have stated that Tompolo has the job for the next ten years.
16. Fuel scarcity was minimal in her time of service with prices remaining constant even through Christmas.
17. The fuel queues and black market which only came about by sabotage at the end of her government’s tenure is alive and well now especially outside Lagos. Black market is booming again under Buhari.
18. The oil theft has not abated since she left, showing the intractability of that malaise and that she is not to blame. As a matter of fact, oil theft has increased under Buhari.
19. Moreover, she is not the police that should become GI Jane and go after oil thieves.
20. Again, not one “subsidy cabal” has been linked to her or is her company, the way Lagos tax collection companies are linked to Tinubu and Fashola.
21. Buhari and Nigeria in six months have not been able to show how removing her has led to increased earnings in anyway. They have not told us the barrels declared under her were short. It is same barrels and volume of production that continue under Buhari.
22. There is evidence of fraud against Fashola, placed on public notice by his successor… SPECIFIC DETAILS OF GROSSLY OVERPAID-FOR WEBSITES, BOREHOLES PRICES ONLY POSSIBLE IN MARS, and FOOTBRIDGES PAID FOR BUT NEVER BUILT. There is a standing judicial decision against Amaechi in Rivers. SIX MONTHS AFTER, NOT ONE SPECIFIC FRAUD PUT BESIDE THE NAME OF DIEZANI.
23. Evidence of the MONORAIL OF AMAECHI and FASHOLA TRAINS are there as monuments to their failure. Diezani successfully fixed four refineries to very appreciable extents that BUHARI WAS CREDITED WITH DOING THEM WITH BODY LANGUAGE. While Amaechi’s monorail has been declared a waste of state resources and moneys being voted to clear the billion naira worth of debris, NONE OF DIEZANI’S PROJECTS HAVE A QUESTION MARK ON THEM.
24. Nigeria has in six months paid N62 Billion to a company which owns REMITA from the TSA funds. The transaction have been FLAGGED by the Senate and populace. With same Saraki in the 7th Senate, NONE EVER FLAGGED HER PROJECTS. NOT ONE!!!
25. While people say “the courts have not declared them thieves” on Fashola and Rotimi, those same witches and wizards have condemned (without any charge even brought against her) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND ONE OF THE MOST EDUCATED AND ACCOMPLISHED WOMEN EVER IN NIGERIA. Ever, ever, ever!!!
26. We restate Diezani’s accomplishments:
a. She is an architect. How many women architects do you know personally?
b. She has a masters degree from CAMBRIDGE. That is an IVY LEAGUE school. (Not some moi-moiforeign school).
d. She has held THREE MINISTERIAL POSITIONS SINCE 2007. Transport, Mines and Steel, and then the position Amaechi and Tinubu can murder someone over PETROLEUM. Buhari is STEPPING INTO HER SHOES. This woman has put in 8 years of meritorious service to her country.
g. She was Vice President of OPEC before then.
h. Should we mention that she is the first female transport minister in Nigeria, ever?
These are irrefutable. If you wish to comment, state the numbers and give me FACTS only. For beer parlour and tabloid gist of corruption, go to Sunday Akoji’s Facebook wall. We deal only facts here.
Finally, HER AILMENT IS NOT A JUDICIAL EXCUSE BEFORE LAW. GET BUHARI TO PROSECUTE HER OR GO AND DIP YOUR HEAD IN AN AJEGUNLE LATRINE, that is, if you believe she is guilty. Enough stories of tortoise and squirrel from APC supporters. Jonathan is no longer “protecting” her. Press charges or shut the freaking hell up.
Instead una go dey pray make una daughters grow up to be like her, people wey no fit knock her papa or husband gate, wey dey write application to SHELL and them no take them go dey open mouth give who be DIRECTOR for the shell. Government work get insult no be small. (Instead of you to pray that you daughters grow up to be like here, people who can’t even walk up to her husband’s or her father’s gate to knock on it, people who are applying to SHELL and SHELL can’t employ them are insulting a DIRECTOR of SHELL. Public service in Nigeria, just attracts insult, a big insult to.)
May God stretch forth his healing hands to the loveliest MOST BEAUTIFUL creature to ever be called MINISTER in Nigeria. God heal her, please.


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