Can you look at a woman and determine
that she had $ex within the last few hours? Well, if you know what to
look out for, you can. Check out subtle signs she just had $ex below.
1. You are more attracted to her;
The more active her $ex life, the more her body releases pheromones,
chemical messengers that your sense of smell picks up and can be
designed to attract the opposite $ex. So if you find that you get so
turned on just standing next to her, it might be because she literally
oozes $ex due to the fact that she just got laid very recently.
2. She is happier: $ex is a known mood elevator. Research has shown that the frequency of $exual activity increases self-perception of happiness.
3. She looks prettier: During
$ex, your body undergoes a lot of changes. The two main things
happen have to do with muscle tension and the increase of blood flow to
all areas of your body. This gives the woman a more radiant look.
4. She is more rested: Good
$ex has been known to cause drowsiness and can help encourage the deep
REM sleep that we associate with a good night’s rest. So if she remarks
about how soundly she slept, or if she seems extra sleepy, she might be
sleeping off the effects of a successful romp the night before.
5. The walk:
Research also shows that you can know if a woman just had an orgasm
from the way she moves. $ex can actually causes her to walk
differently, with a longer stride and a greater pelvic rotation.
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