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Nigerian Doctor Based In The US Shares His Experience, Working The Same Shift With His Mom

Nigerian doctor valentine Ewudo based abroad just took to instagram to share his experience, working the same shift with his mom in the U.S;

@valewudo: I got slammed all night at this ER last night but you wanna know what the highlight of it all was?

Calling my Mom at 3am and finding out she’s working the same shift, on the 4th floor 😍. I had to endure her introducing me to every single one of her coworkers, but the joy written all over her face seeing her son literally at the same hospital has made my night. –

Have you ever worked side by side with your Mom? Man it’s not everyday I get this opportunity. It’s definitely a special feeling. She won’t be working that much longer soon so I’ll go ahead and cherish this small moment in time while it lasts ♥


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