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Photos: Couple’s Wedding Photos Ruined By 2 Cows Having Sex

Here are a couple’s wedding photos ruined by two cows having sex in the background. lol

The newly wedded couple attempted to pose for a set of romantic shots on their big day only to get photobombed by a pair of cows in the act of making love.

With one cow atop of the other, bride Jenessa McKillen and her husband, Brad, were initially oblivious to what was going on behind them.

The couple were married on May 20 in Ontario, Canada, and before heading to their ceremony in a local hall, Brad and Jenessa decided to partake in a shoot at the bride’s family farm.

DailyMail reports that during the shoot, photographer Rebecca Sprau suggested that the pair pose in front of the cows, adding a hint of variety to the shoot.

As Rebecca started to shoot the couple she burst out laughing as she witnessed the frisky cows’ sudden antics in the background.

The image has garnered thousands of shocked responses after Jenessa posted it on social media.

Rebecca, 24, said:

‘Everyone was laughing.

‘I just kept shooting till the cow got down and hoped that I had gotten the shot, which thankfully I managed to capture.

‘The bride and groom and their families love the image and find it hilarious, and I’ve gotten great comments from other brides I have as well as friends and family.

‘The response has been crazy – way more than we could have ever imaged.

‘I just want to thank everyone for their support and love for this image.

‘It turned from something small into a something grand, and I don’t think any of us saw that happening at all – it is definitely something we will always remember.’


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