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Photos: Nigerian Villagers Kill Gigantic Snake Filled With Eggs After They Thought It Had Eating Their Cow (Must See)


According to DailyMail In a humongous moment of nope, farmers in Nigeria killed a giant snake after mistakenly believing it had eating a cow, only for it to turn out it was actually pregnant with dozens of eggs.


Locals cut the swollen snake open expecting to find a partially digested calf, but instead found it was jam-packed with eggs. The eggs, which are considered a local delicacy, were then removed.

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The snake looks to be metres long and about a foot wide, leading many to believe it is either an anaconda or python, the Daily Mail reports. To be honest, from the picture, it’s pretty obvious it’s not a corn snake.


Although it might look unusual, there are many species of snakes that can produce up to100 eggs at a time.

And, if you’re expecting any sympathy for the poor dead snake and its unborn babies, you won’t find any online. Most people think it’s a good thing the snake died before being able to give birth.

What do you think?


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