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I checked the cabinet where indomie and spagheti is normally kept in the kitchen and brought out two “hungry man size” packs of indomie. I quickly put some water on the gas cooker to boil for some times before I pour the indomie into it. I added the flavor and the pepper before I break four fresh eggs into it. In about 6minutes I was done with everything. I served all the indomie in a big plate before I took it to Motunrayo in the sitting. She looked surprised to see me coming with the plate of indomie within a very minimal time. I placed the food in front of her before I brought out very chill malt from the fridge for her to cool down. She refused to eat until I joined her and we both eat together. But I only ate small portion of it because I have eaten breakfast before. I expected her to compliment the food while we eat but she didn’t say a word throughout. We finished eating and I asked her if she liked the food.
Me: (smiling while starring directly into her eyes) How is the food? Do you like it?
Motunrayo: (smiling). To say the truth; if I have to give you a pass mark for the food I will just give you 50/100.
Me: (smiling but looking pale in the eye). Why 50/100? Is the food not delicious?
Motunrayo: (smiling jokingly). It’s delicious and I like it but…I didn’t let her finished her statement before I cut her off
Me: (cut her off). Why do you now rate me 50/100 when you said yourself that it’s delicious and you like it?
Motunrayo: why do you cut me off? You don’t let me finish before you talk. The reason I give you 50 out of 100 is because the indomie you cooked is a fast food that has already been packaged with the amount of flavor to cook it. You don’t need to add any salt or maggi apart from the one that came with it which was already measured by the producer so you can’t compare it with when you cook other food like rice and beans or soup and pound yam or eba. I just wait patiently until she finished her explanation before I reply. I didn’t want to interrupt her again
Me: (smiling). But I am still the one that cooked it. The indomie cannot cook itself without me cooking it.
Motunrayo: (smiling). That is why I gave you 50 because you were the one that cooked it. The other 50 goes to the manufacturers.
Me: (smiling jokingly). You can’t be a teacher o dear, because if you should be a teacher you will be a very wicked one. And am sure hardly will your students be able to pass your subject. She just began to smile when she doesn’t know what else to say. I joined her in laughing and we both laughed for some time before I packed the plate to go and wash it in the kitchen but she collect it from me and she said she is going to wash it instead. I didn’t argue, just consent to her wish. She carries the plate to the kitchen while I followed her from the rear. The way she shakes her bombom as she walk to the kitchen make my OGA jump up from my Trouser. I almost grabbed hold of her immediately but I manage to resist myself. Not that my libido was high or am having higher level of S#xual urges this time, but my mind was not free of making love with Motunrayo today. My whole thought is to get laid with her by any method I must use. I can’t let her F**K me up like the way she does the first time she came to visit me. We were on our way to the kitchen when my phone began to ring from the sitting room. I was so deep in thought fantasizing how am going to get laid with her in my mind that I couldn’t hear that my phone was ringing from the sitting room. It was her that heard the phone ringing first and she alerts me to go and answered it after querying me about what I was thinking that I couldn’t hear my own ringing tone. I stammered some words to excuse myself to go back to the sitting room to pick my phone while she continued her journey to the kitchen to wash the plate. I got to the phone and checked the caller only to see that it was Sarah. Thank God Motunrayo is now in the kitchen washing the plate. I picked my phone from where I put it but rushed to my room to answer the call. I don’t want motunrayo to hear my conversation with Sarah. I can’t allow my phone conversation to cause unnecessary argument between me and Motunrayo and then spoil my well planned date with her today or make her to begin to suspect me unnecessarily. But before I got to my room the ringing has stopped. I thought of redialing her number to call her back when she called back again. I could hear the sound of plates contracting each other from the kitchen so I know motunrayo was already washing the plates. Then I picked but minimize my voice to the lowest volume.
Sarah: hello femi
Me: (low voice) Good day dear. How are you doing?
Sarah: (smiling) I am fine sweetheart. How are you doing too?
Me: (low voice). I am doing very fine too sweetheart. How about Adedoyin? I was asking about Adedoyin when I began to hear her voice from the background. I didn’t know she was there with sarah before but when I heard her talking from the background I know they were certainly together. Then I know that Sarah put the phone on speaker for both of them to hear me.
Adedoyin: (talking from the background and smiling). I am fine here dear.
Me: (low voice but smiling) hope you guys have beautiful nights
Sarah&Adedoyin: (smiling) yes we did, how was your night too?
Me: (smiling but sounding unhappy with my low voice) it was lovely, I woke up in the night thinking of you guys. I was already missing you guys even before you travelled. I don’t know I could feel this bad because you guys will be travelling together but…. Sarah didn’t let me conclude before she cut me off.
Sarah: (Cut me off). Femi we are sorry because we are going to leave you like this. But you know we are not going away forever. And we are going to miss you very much too dear, you should know that.
Me: (Low Voice). I understand, I am just expressing my feelings to you guys. But since you are going for business, it’s good. And I will be expecting you guys back
Adedoyin: (smiling) don’t worry dear; we will be back before you even know it. By the way, you did a wonderful work that yesterday. Thank you very much we are grateful for it.
Me: (smiling). You don’t have to thank me for that now. I just did my job as you say.
Sarah: (smiling). Thank you for the job well-done. The three of us began to laugh after she said that before I replied her.
Me: (smiling). You are welcome dear. I remember Adedoyin gave me an envelope before I left blue top hotel; I haven’t even remember to check the content of the envelope yet. I decide to thank them both for the envelope too. Me: (smiling) thank you guys too for the envelope. I really appreciate it.
Sarah&Adedoyn: (smiling) it’s nothing dear. Just expect what we promised you in your account before we go. (I know our conversation is getting too long but I don’t want to prolong it any further because I could hear Motunrayo footstep approaching from the sitting room. I quickly discharged sarah and Adedoyin on phone after telling both of them I love you and we both promised to call each other later before they finally travelled to Dubia. I checked the minutes of my call and it was 10 minutes. I wonder if motunrayo used 10minutes to wash just one indomie pot and a plate. But she came in almost immediately I ended the call; I thought maybe she overheard my conversation when I said I love you to my sugar mamas. My heart beat was raised up a little while waiting for what she will say….

To Be Continued…

Guess these episodes are long enough….


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