was far gone in the dreamland, having some kind dream which I am unable to explain. The dream was so scary that I woke up panting profusely like someone who was been chased. The dream felt so real that I find myself still scared after I woke up. I got off the bed immediately I woke up because I was so afraid of the dream. My body was still weak but it has gotten a little better from when I came home from bluetop hotel. I checked the time after I was able to relax my mind. It was 3a.m in the middle night. I felt so hungry from inside. I know my food would be in the kitchen so I rushed to the kitchen to get my food. I found cooked yam in the pot with fried egg inside the fry pan. I managed to serve some of the food into a plate, and then head back to my room to eat. I finished eating, and then packed the place to one side of my room before I lay back to on the bed. I reached for my phone where I put it. I checked it only to find 22missed calls. 10missed calls from chidinma, 7missed calls from Bidemi, 3missed calls from motunrayo and 2missed calls from Tunde. I wonder why tunde called me, maybe he just want to know if I have left the hotel. I remember I promised to call chidinma and bidemi when I got back from where I am going but I couldn’t called them back again because of my body weakness. I was tempted to dial either of their number but I resisted myself from calling them because my mind said I should let them sleep. I was still laid down on the bed thinking of my life in general, I thought about sarah and Adedoyin, then I shifted my thought to how the whole event will go in the morning with motunrayo. I don’t think I will be able to see her because of chidinma. I thought of calling her number to cancel our appointment but I want her to rest too. I was so deep in thought when I suddenly began to feel sleepy again. But I was afraid of falling into another scary dream. I tried all my best to resist myself from sleeping again but I couldn’t tell when I slept off again. I slept off only to wake up the following morning by 7a.m. I didn’t have another dream since I slept off. I managed to rise up from the bed. I could see my body weakness has disappeared and I am now feeling agile and full of energy. I took my phone from where I kept it only to see another 7missed calls. 5missed calls from chidinma and 2missed calls from motunrayo. I was surprised that chidinma could have called me five more time again that morning. I dialed her number immediately.
Me: Good morning my sweetheart. How was your night?
Chidinma: (low and unhappy voice) good morning to you too dear. But the night was not good.
Me: I was about to ask her what happened and why the night was not good before she cut me off
Chidinma: What happened since yesterday that you said you were going to call me when you got back from Funmilayo’s school? You refused to call and when I called you still refused to pick up.
Me: I wanted to tell her that I had a little accident which result to my body weakness and pains all over my body but I know if I tell her that I may forfeit any hope of convincing her to stay back at home for today’s lesson even if I have the chance to convinced her so I decided to tell her another lie.
Me: (sounding remorseful) I am very sorry dear I came late last night because I branched to one of my friends place. And when I came back I was so tired and weak because I trek.
Chidinma: (still sounding unhappy and voice low). Is that why you couldn’t call or picked my calls?
Me: no dear, I slept earlier and I woke up late and you know my phone is always on silent mode. That was why I didn’t know when you were calling.
Chidinma: (voice still low) okay. I hear you o. I was about to ask her when she would come for the day’s lesson when she quickly replied me again.
Chidinma: femi, I am not feeling fine.
Me: (concerned voice). What happened
Chidinma: I have been having stomach upset since last night. I have….
Me: (cut her off). I got scared a little when she said she has stomach upset. The first thought that came to my mind is that maybe she is pregnant. But I come to think of it. How could she be pregnant when we only have sxxx about two days ago? Even if she is, the symptom shouldn’t have come out by now. At least I am a science student, I know better about maternity and reproduction from biology. I relaxed myself a little bit before I replied her
Me: (low and concerned voice) what cause your stomach upset dear? And have you taken any drugs?
Chidinma: I have been going to the toilet several times at interval since that yesternight. I think its Diarrhea,
Me: (relaxed but concerned voice). What have you now taken?
Chidinma: I have taken flagyl but it has not reduced. It’s now so severe; I don’t think I will be able to come over. Hearing that alone was already making my heart to be singing tingatingaline. Today na today nobody go stop my meeting with motunrayo again o.
To Be Continued…
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