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I Don’t Have S*x & I Can’t Date a Poor Man – Busty Actress, Bolaji Ogunmola

A budding Nollywood actress has opened up her career, romance and other issues as regards her lifestyle in a recent interview with a foremost newspaper.
Bolaji Ogunmola
Highly endowed Bolaji Ogunmola is an up and coming actress who has everything going for her; the looks, voice and charisma. Bolaji was part of the Next Movie Star Academy and since then, she has continued to pursue her passion for acting relentlessly.
She talks about career, her definition of love and more in this interview with the Vanguard:

Your experience at the Next Movie Star Academy?

It was a great experience and that was in 2013 if I am not mistaken. When you go for any reality show, one should understand that at some point, someone will be shown the way out irrespective of their outstanding performance. I was also evicted because I was troublesome.
An actress recently said her big boobs brought her to limelight, should we expect such statement from you some day?

Anything could push anybody to say anything. I am pretty, tall, confident and have a beautiful smile. So mine will be a combination of many things and not my big boobs alone.

Nollywood often celebrates light-skinned actresses, do you see your skin as a barrier in your career?

Not any longer. We are gradually leaving that myopic belief. I believe my craft will sell me.

(Cuts in) But we have many actresses who were dark-skinned when they came into the industry but have turned light-skinned over night?

I am saying this categorically that I do not support bleaching in any form.

Any man in the picture?

I am single but not searching. I am independent and working hard to make money.

Will you agree that finding love for a rich lady might be difficult ?

A true and complete man should not be intimidated by a woman’s success. In fact, a man should help his woman become more successful.

Don’t you think this is one of the reasons why we have many spinsters in Nollywood?

I totally disagree. These actresses have not just met the right man. Regardless of your chosen career, the right man will find you someday. We have A-list actresses who are married with kids. A good woman will meet her own man at the right time. We have men who will never settle for actresses for one reason or the other. But my point of view is this, it is not what you do, but who you are.

What will you never be found doing?

I am very spontaneous. I will never say never. Please, don’t make me shoot myself in the foot.

Secrets of sustaining healthy relationship?

Discovering one’s self is key to sustaining a healthy relationship.

Your definition of a successful movie?

A successful movie is that which impacts positively on the viewer. A movie people can remember for a long time is a successful one.

Intimate things about you?

I am left-handed, like light-skinned guys, very emotional, can’t date a poor man and would have preferred having a bigger butt.

Are you saying if a man has all the attributes but poor, it’s a ‘no’ from Bolaji?

Relationships are about responsibility. A man can’t have all the qualities of a good man and be poor. A woman should not date or marry a man who cannot be responsible for her. It goes both ways anyways. It’s better to be single than cutting corners in a relationship. If a man has all the prospects but poor, then his goal at that time should be finding money and not a woman. If you can’t take care of your partner, then the relationship is faulty.

Can you quit acting?

I can’t quit acting for anything.

What if your boyfriend asks you to quit?

My boyfriend has no right over me.

Many actors seem to be living a fake life, why?

It is not our fault. Being a celebrity is an illusion of somebody who is perfect and we are not. Meaning, we have to act being perfect.

How often do you have s*x?

I don’t have s*x and will remain like that for as long as I can hold it.


That is the way I want it .

An actress once said, it is better to have s*x outside a relationship than having s*x in a relationship and suffer heart-break. Your take?

I am very emotional and as such, cannot sleep with a man without any form of commitment.

Will you leave if your man cheats?

I will be stupid to do that. There are other ways to punish a man. I won’t give him the chance to be free.

To what length can you go for love?

Today’s love is realistic. It’s past the Romeo and Juliet thing. Love is mutual understanding.

Future plans?

That is setting up my own production company, settle down and have kids.

Anything new?

There is the film with the titled Mami water from C.J Obasi and I am really excited about it.


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