There is a saying: “S ex is like a pizza. Even if it was bad, this is still good!” Indeed, s ex by mutual agreement will always be good just because you are already making it!
But there are some things that make this pleasant occupation even better. Here what you need, according to men, to change common “a-a-a” into “AH!”:
1. Chemistry. Probably, this is the most important aspect of the great sex. It simply must be – and that’s it! S ex without the chemistry is like eating the yesterday soup for dinner: you simply do this to fill your organism, but the process itself doesn’t bring you any pleasure.
2. Absence of discomfort. In s ex, only those things that you consider awkward will be awkward. What is natural is… not without an or gasm! The potential “mine areas” include:
A) weird body sounds;
B) weird body liquids.
Just keep in mind that this is also the part of the person with whom you want to make love!
3. The feeling that the partner cares for your pleasure. We always feel that the partner thinks only about himself. If he acts indifferently and with detachment, this can kill any desire. But if you both are full of enthusiasm and first of all want to bring pleasure to your sex ual partner, this only can make your s ex fantastical! Regardless your technique or experience…
This is something that frees se xual partners from the need to constantly explain: “Place your leg here, not this way… no, like this… here… just get it here!” Of course, sometimes you do need some details, and you always need to say clearly what you want… But the best sex happens right when both partners feel themselves spontaneously and naturally!
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