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Stephanie kept bothering Doctor
Kate until she
was told to sit down in the office.
She was
really impatient as she stared at
the Doctor,
she needed to know what had gone
wrong with
her best friend, she couldn’t just
die that way.
“Doctor, please speak up.” She
rose to her feet
again, already sweating profusely.
“I told you earlier to take things
easy, your
friend is not dead it’s just that her
just got worsened.” She spoke
slowly as she
looked really unhappy.
“Worsened? So, what is the
condition’ all about?” She sat down.
“Kidney, it’s kidney problem now.”
swooshed out a long breath and
“We need to get her operated as
soon as
possible, kidney transplant has to
be done.”
The Doctor said as she hit the ball
pen in her
hand on the table continuously.
“Transplant? What’s wrong again?
What’s up
with her kidney? Tell me! What’s
She screamed.
“Easy lady! Anaemia causes low red
blood cell
count which as well causes kidney
failure. It
reduces the flow of oxygen also, so,
take it easy.”
“This is annoying! I wonder why
this exists! I
hate it when someone is in pain,
what’s the
purpose of coming to the world if
one will
experience peace throughout? Her
life is at
stake, her soul is burning! I can
feel it,
arthritis, Jaundice, now kidney
failure! Is she
the only one? Even if this is a trial,
it’s getting
too much!” She shouted.
“Everyone in this world have a
trouble or the
other that he or she’s battling with.
If I tell
you my story too, you’re going to
marvel. You
guys are now more than my clients
Christie is more than a patient. I
through even more difficult
challenges.” She
rose to her feet and sighed.
“More difficult? I’m sure you didn’t
through this pain, I’m sure.”
“I’m Kate, an asthmatic patient no
one on
earth could believe of her
existence. I lost my
blind father to a burning house
happened when my only brother
was also
fighting to become wealthy in life.
He got
himself into politics which made his
politicians who were fighting for a
post burn
down my father’s house and killed
him. I had
to run away with my mother when
we had became nothing. I was in
my 500 level,
that time. There was no place to go
to, no one
to help, we were hated! Isolated! I
don’t know
what else to say right now… see
whatever the case will be, we will
try our
best.” She sat sadly.
“I wish to know what happened,
how did you
now become a Doctor? Even one
that’s loved
in this place?”
“Let’s leave that for another day,
but I lost my
mother to an accident too, I almost
because of the attack I had when I
about her death. I had no hope, no
friend, no
one. Just.. let’s just leave it.”
“But, promise me my friend will
live.” She
wiped her tears.
“Hmmn.. I don’t.. Alright, I do.”
She sighed.
“Your reply was somehow. Be
sincere, be
“I think I have to get the Urologists
Nephrologists now, time is not our
friend.” She
stood quickly.
“Alright, what of the donor?”
“You should be able to donate.
transplanting is a very serious
surgery, any
slight mistake might lead to
disastrous. So, we have to run
series of tests
on you. Your blood sugar, blood
group and
others. So, let’s keep our fingers
crossed, let
me get the surgeons informed.”
“Alright, let me get Richard and
anything that
would be needed.” Stephanie
rushed out.
STEPHANIE rushed out of the
hospital, in
search of Richard who had left the
hospital for
a while now. She look frustrated as
entered into the taxi that took her
to Richard’s
place to get him informed about
what was
happening next. She didn’t even
that she could call him, and
besides, it was an
avenue for her to leave the
hospital. Leaving
the hospital would at least make
her less
nervous than being in the hospital.
She knocked at the gate
continuously before
Uche came to get the gate for her.
She was
sweating and her hair had ruffled
already, she
greeted him as she tried to smile
to at least
brighten her wrinkled face. “Good
day.” She
“Yeah, good evening.” Uche smiled
and let her
in. “How are you?” He asked as he
shut the
“I’m… good.” I’m I really good at
all? Can
everything on ground make me
even good?
“Yeah.” Uche smiled faintly as he
turned to
face her again. From all indications
too, she
didn’t look good and chuffed to
him, but as
usual and almost ‘Nigerian’ he still
had to ask
her how she was. “You aren’t
looking fine as
you’ve told me earlier, how’s she?
What’s up?”
He moved closer to her.
“Things have gone worse. The
Doctor said she
now has kidney failure and she has
to be
operated as soon as possible.” She
said as
she wiped her face.
Uche was shocked. He opened his
mouth wide
open as he stood akimbo, shaking
his head
continuously. “Is Richie not in the
with you guys?”
“So he’s not at home, he is not
with us either.”
She frowned.
Uche sighed. “Alright, I know
where he can be.
Let me get dressed and take you
there to see
things for yourself.”
“Thank you.” She said and walked
to the gate
to lean on it.
Uche nodded and walked inside to
pick his
shirt. He just had his singlet and
trouser on earlier. “I’m going in
search of tyhat
naughty guy, it seems he has gone
to his
place of work.” Uche told Jay.
“Alright, don’t belong.” Jay waved
at him.
“Is that all you’ll say? Shouldn’t you
pick up
your shirt and come with me?”
Uche smiled,
he knew Jay would not leave that
spot to
accompany him to Hexagon Club
and Bar.
“I’m going nowhere.” Jay hissed
and laid on
the sofa, turning his back at Uche.
“But all I know is that it’s not his
wish to be
drinking too, this situation turned
him into
doing that. Besides, remember we
him into this, if we hadn’t forced
him that
Friday, he would just be
meandering around
as usual.
“So, his introduction to alcohol has
made him
so useless? We that got him
introduced to it,
do we drink like he does now? Who
knows if
this rambling around of a thing is
just about
drinking sef .” Jay hissed.
“Anyways, the condition of his
sister has gone
worse again. Her friend is by the
gate, she
said she now has kidney problem
operation has to be done as quick
Jay sprung to his feet immediately
he heard
that. “Kidney again? This is getting
out of
control, what on earth would Richie
do on
hearing this? And, what sin has this
committed to deserve all these
sicknesses and ailments? I’m sure
this will
turn Richard’s brain around again.”
He gave a
long breath.
“Anyways, will you follow me
now?” Uche
“Alright, I just pity the guy too but
I hate it if
everything one does is getting too
much!” He
said as he buttoned his shirt too
and walked
toward Uche.
They both stepped out of the
house after
switching off the electronics and
bulbs, off to
the Bar.
When peace, like a river, attendeth
my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, thou hast taught
me to say,
it is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though
let this blest assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my
helpless estate,
and hath shed his own blood for
my soul
It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Doctor Kate entered into my ward
and came to
me, she looked sad as she watched
me cry
and held my two hands. “Crying
won’t solve
anything, crying won’t let this
problems leave,
it will just add to it.” She said as
she shook
my two hands slightly.
“This is a cry of joy, I’m not crying
I’m going to die, I’m crying because
of the
perished souls. I’m crying because
wondering on those who might be
in my shoes
and would question God, I’m…
Doctor…” I said
as I kept crying.
“I never told you that you would
die!” Doctor’s
eyes widened as she shook my
hands again,
she had started crying then. The
she had around her neck fell as she
along with me. I felt her agony, I
felt her pulse
that was like a flow of turbulent
water from an
ocean, I took of my hands, this time
her own hands, we both continued
emotional right??


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