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A Man Cuts Self and Attempts Suicide by Fire Over Disagreement With Girlfriend, see photos

A man on Wednesday allegedly cut and torched himself following an altercation with his girlfriend.
Peter Kampiya

Peter Kampiya allegedly attempted to commit suicide by cutting himself using a sharp object before setting his house on fire.

Peter of number 19 Ayema Street, Mbare, in Zimbabwe is believed to have had an altercation with his girlfriend only identified as Gamanya before he tried to take his own life.

He was rescued by his neighbours who saw the smoke coming from his house.

Peter had deep cuts on his thighs and legs. His legs were also badly burnt in the fire. He was rushed to 24 hours Emergency Centre in Mbare where he received treatment. The fire was put out by the fire brigade.

Speaking to H-Metro, Peter said he was not aware of what happened or what started the fire.

“I came back from work in the morning and I went to Gamanya’s place to get meat since I wanted to cook. I then went back home but then decided to cook nuts instead.

“We didn’t have electricity so I lit the paraffin stove. I do not know what happened next. All I remember was being rescued from the house by my neighbours,” 
he said.
Kambiya's burnt up house

Peter failed to explain why he had cuts on his thighs and kept insisting that he was not aware of what had transpired.

One of Peter’s neighbours said Peter’s tenant called out for help when she saw blood coming out from Peter’s room and that was when they saw smoke from the house.

“I was outside and the girl called for help. When I got there we saw the blood and the smoke. We tried opening the door but then Peter was blocking us. He did not want us to enter the room. It was like he wanted to be burnt in the room.

“We then called young men who came and pushed the door, to force our way in. After we gained entry we then took him outside. One of his tenants then came and rushed him to the clinic,”
 she said.

Peter’s son Tendai said he was shocked as to what had happened.

“I was shocked to be called by our tenant informing me that my father was involved in an accident. I do not even know what started the fire or why he would want to kill himself. Everything is just strange to me. I am yet to understand what happened and why it happened,” said Tendai.

Tendai’s wife was also shocked by her father-in-law’s actions.

“Tatongonzwa kuti baba vatsvira mumba. Hatizivi kuti chii chavanetsa. Maybe if there is something he is hiding he will open up to someone soon.

“Maybe he had a misunderstanding with his girlfriend because they are always having problems. I think they definitely had an altercation. Asi handizvo zvinoitwa. Tapererwa shuwa,”
 she said.

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