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True Life Story: My Struggle with Hair Loss and How I Finally got my Confidence Back!

I have been struggling with my hair loss for over 4
years. When I found out I was losing my hair, it was very sudden and very
traumatic. I was trying to grow my natural hair and it proved to be very
  It seemed to be growing very
slowly and not very strong.

This was a very difficult time for me and added to my
  We can blame it on the media
or society but the reality is, as women a lot of our identity is wrapped up in
our beauty and our hair is a large part of that beauty.

As a woman, having a
Long, thick, easily flowing hair is idolized by us in general, particularly
because many of us do not have long, thick, easily flowing hair down to the middle
of our backs.
  We have to focus more on
keeping our hair moisturized and protected.

We also face the reality that a lot of us have a slow hair growth rate. Now, please don’t get me wrong, not all women deal with slow hair growth, but I have noticed many of the women in my family and a lot of my friends do struggle with slow hair growth, alopecia and many other hair loss related conditions and that’s why you need to visit this website now. Click Here!

I soon realized that it wasn’t only slow hair growth, but that I was actually losing my hair. Every month as my hair grew, I would lose more than what had grown. This is when I noticed that I was suffering with hair loss.

My natural black afro use to be thick. It was not very long, but it had some good density. The first time I knew I was suffering from some form of hair loss was when that thick afro started to feel and look thinner. The hair loss started on the left, front side of my scalp and then eventually moved to the left, back side of my head.

Searching For Help From Other Women
When I had discovered that my hair was thinning, I still had no idea that it was alopecia. All I knew was that my hair was thinning and I thought maybe I could find some support or answers from other women online, who had hair like mine, who I could relate with about my hair loss.

As I searched the web for other women who had suffered from hair loss, I kept finding more and more women who had really amazing hair growth, but not very many women who openly discussed their hair loss issues.  I started to realize that hair loss amongst women was rarely discussed online and that hair loss within the black community was not a topic for discussion.  It just wasn’t talked about.

I thought it was because hair loss was a very personal and embarrassing topic amongst women in general. I soon came to realize that many women, especially ladies, were not talking about hair loss because many of us did not even know that we were experiencing hair loss.  I had

so many questions about hair loss and how to stop it, but there was little to no information that was actually helpful.

When it comes to natural hair care and growing our natural hair, as women, we tend to focus on the length and thickness of our hair.  We get so caught up on growing our hair, that we often overlook the fact that we are actually losing our hair.  I believe the major reason why we do this, is because nobody wants to think that they very well could be losing their hair. We would prefer to grow our natural hair and not look so much into why there is hair loss.  I know I did this for many years and it was because I was afraid to find out the answer. Since I was unable to connect with other women who had my issue, I decided I should seek some medical advice.  I decided to talk to my doctor and then go from there. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING <<

The hair on the right side of my scalp was always thick and healthy and never had any problems, but for some reason, the hair on left side was always thin and brittle.  I started to notice that my hair would fall out and it wasn’t growing back.  My hair was getting thinner and thinner.

I was scared. I decided that I needed to bring this concern to my doctor.  I went to my doctor and he looked at the spots and he told me that my hair loss was due to alopecia. I had no idea what alopecia was.  I have never heard of this word alopecia in my life! I have never been seriously ill, so I didn’t know what caused my alopecia or why it was happening to me.

He said it may or may not grow back and that only time would tell.

After years of trial and error and more hair loss, I hit rock bottom.
I was sick of looking in the mirror and seeing more and more hair missing from head.
  I decided to shave my hair all off and start over.

This relieved me of much of my stress, but shaving my head bald was not the solution to my problem.  I needed answers and a solution that would help me to get back the hair that I had lost and with that, my self-confidence. I did some research, I did some praying too and I Finally discovered this Natural Hair Treatment that helped my hair re-growth and stopped breakages.



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