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German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, calls for the ban of the burka in Germany

German chancellor Angela
Merkel, has called for a ban on wearing burkas
‘wherever is legally possible’ in Germany. She made this call while
addressing members of her political party, CDU, at the conservative
party’s conference.


earlier, the 62-year-old leader said she believed the Islamic clothing
hindered women from being fully integrated into the German society.

Also, a week before Ms. Merkel made this call, Dutch MPs had voted to
ban the Islamic full-face veil from some public places, like schools.
However, the legislation will have to be approved by the senate before
it becomes a law.


the German politician seeks a fourth term, Ms. Merkel made a few
pledges some of which were; to back a nationwide ban on wearing the
burka, to

bring the refugee crisis under control and also to strengthen
the forces of law and order, especially as regards managing immigrants
and the immigration process.


her speech, she went on to condemn the online attacks targeted at
immigrants, saying that she was shocked and sickened by them and that
those who wrote such hateful  things needed an orientation course.



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