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Pics: Woman’s exhumed corpse found exactly the same way it was buried in 2012

We have been hearing these kind of stories for quite a while. In August, something similar occurred in Epe, Laos, but the difference is the woman had been buried since 2002.

According to an eye witness, in Ojoo, Ibadan, Oyo state a woman’s corpse was exhumed for reburial in a different location because of the road rehabilitation going on in the area, but to everyone’s surprise, it wasn’t her skeletal remains they found, but her body still almost intact the way it was buried four years previously. (2012)

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What a wonderful surprise, allah is great.there is a woman who has been dead since 2012 and buried in the same year,in year 2016 the government decide to rehabilate some area around ojoo.and there is going to be a lot of demolition of houses and shop. but to my greatest surprise there is a particular burial woman that need to be dug out in other to construct the road properly.

the greatest surprise there is that they dug the ground and met the woman how they buried her,no stains on her cloth,the rope is unloose and all part of her body is well preserved by Almighty Allah.there is heaven and there is hell,always be truthful in life and ave a good mind to your other a wonderful surprise at ojoo strabarg Ibadan.ALLAH is great and believe in him ans his messenger (saw)






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