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The two at the door began coming close to me and laughing wickedly too. What should I do now? I asked myself. If I should run to the bed, someone is sitting there. If I were to run to the kitchen, there
was no back door to escape from. I will be trapped. My trouser was wet already and it was so annoying. I have never urinated on myself since I was five.
How could I have embarrassed myself this way? But what will I do now? I was trapped and there weren’t a way out. I couldn’t push through the other two at the door and if I should move forward,
I will be encircled in their midst. I remained still where I stood, beads of sweat forming on my face and dropping on the floor. My palms were already sweaty and shaky. I was just totally useless… Like a bunch of ripe banana waiting to be plucked.
If I had known, I would have spent much time at the party. If I scream who will hear me? All my neighbors were still at the party with no hope of coming back soon. Who no like better thing? When you have seen someone who is ready to pay for everything and all is left for you is to come, eat and drink to stupor. No one cares.
The other two were now closing in on me, with their hands stretched out. I checked my phone and the battery was already drained. What if I throw my Galaxy S6 at them and they disappear? But after a second thought, I realized that throwing my phone at them will be more disadvantageous to me. My phone will spoil and I will still repair it with my money and if they don’t disappear, I will lose myself and my phone. So I steadied myself and moved back a little. I coughed and then readjusted my composure.
Me: Wait!
The other two stopped and looked at themselves and then looked back at me. I looked back and saw the other still sitting on the bed. “If I survive this ordeal, I will never use that bed sheet again,” I said to myself.
Me: Eh heh! Thanks for giving me audience. The last time I checked, I only knew I had issues with Kosi which I know even in death, we can still settle it amicably but who are this other two? Why are you threatening me too? Did I also not pray for you two???
I was hoping to buy enough time so that I can find a way out. They began laughing again, much louder than before.
Ghost 1: So you have the courage to ask us
Me: Yes na. Tis my fundermental right. Buhari hasn’t taken that away from me too.
Ghost 2: That’s the more reason we should make your death faster…
They laughed again as before. I looked back, the other ghost whom I suspect to be Kosi was now on her feet. she moved to the window side and then turned back, looking at me while I melted in fear.
No one with this encounter ever lived to tell the tale.
Me: But why will you kill me? What exactly is my offense?
I was now getting angry and frustrated too. They didn’t answer me, instead they started moving sluggishly again, (like those Ghosts that will

in Resident Evil game in PS3, in black attire). Then they began saying in unison…
Ghosts: We need your blood!!!!!!
They encircled me.
Me: Jesussssssssss……….I screamed.
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