Me: So how did you get back?
Kosi: Oh! He paid a taxi to bring me back
Me: But your number was switched off. I was afraid.
Kosi: My battery was done.
Me: I see. Well, thank God anyway.
Kosi: Yeah
Me: Let’s sleep o.
Kosi: I will pay in the 600k in your account on monday. I know you need it. I already have enough.
Me: What can I say? Thanks dear. You are a darling.
Kosi: Gimme your account number before monday.
Me: Okay, thanks a lot.
I gave her a peck on the lips. She pulled my head and kissed me before I pulled off to take a glass of water. I got for her too before I finally turned off the light. In the silence that enshrined us, I could still hear the music playing in my landlady’s restaurant. I crept in beside her in the bed and cuddled her. The AC made her skin so cold. She whispered silently
Kosi: Now, ask me what you can do?
Me: What can I do?
She hesitated a while that I had to bite her ear.
Kosi: F–k me!
I adjusted closer to her and crossed my hand across her, like I’d fallen in.
Me: Say it again
She did. I spanked her hard on the tummy and she was like “What have I done wrong?”
Kosi: If you kill my child I won’t forgive you ooo
Me: No be only child, na children… See you see child
Kosi: Ok ooo. So you are not gonna do what I asked you do?
Me: Yes
Kosi: Why?
Me: I don’t want to. I want to preserve myself for my wife
Kosi: Are you not going to marry me?
Me: Let’s say we are still dreaming
Kosi: Why? As in how? What do you mean?
Me: Something can still happen in the future. Maybe at a time, we go our separate ways. Your dad might send you to London to further your studies and at a time, our contact will become rare.
Kosi: Abii
Me: Yes na… When you are now done, you will be told to marry another politician’s son. Maybe a Governor’s son or so.
Kosi: You amaze me ooo
Me: But the world can’t stop amazing me. Things happen ooo. Maybe at a time, there will be a twist of fate
Kosi: why don’t you just talk about yourself.
Me: What do you mean?
Kosi: I mean putting yourself in my shoes
Me: come again
Kosi: What if at the end of the day, you find love somewhere else while I have given my all to you
Me: Stuffs like that happen anyway but how possible is that gonna be?
Kosi: Like?
Me: We ain’t dating yet. We are just bound by mutual
Kosi: And?
Me: No expression of feelings yet. We are just trying to exhibit our body chemistry. Kosi: but we have stayed too long for us to know that
Me: But you can’t go to Jerusalem without passing Gallilee
Kosi: But water was changed to wine after the original wine was finished in the wedding at Cannan
Me: I never knew you know bible this much
Kosi: leave that one first. Let’s say what’s at hand.
Me: which is?
Kosi: You and I know we feel for each other
Me: But no step have been taken to achieve that.
Kosi: Why don’t you propose to me now?
Me: what if I already have a girl friend?
Kosi: But am yet to spot none… We are free riders.
I re-adjusted my position in the bed and lay flat on my back. She turned to me and place her hand on my chest.
Kosi: Are you angry?
Me: For what? No
Kosi: I heard rumors today in school
Me: About?
Kosi: Someone you know
Me: I don’t gotcha
Kosi: Someone called Eve
Me: What about her?
Kosi: Heard she’s in town and you guys had something in common…
Me: What about it?
Kosi: Do you still love her?
Kosi: Just wanna know
Me: You should let it pass by
Kosi: No, not till you tell me if you do
Me: Who knows? I might still nurse feelings for her.
Kosi: For real?
Me: Why not?
Kosi: Then why do you still make me waste my time here?
Me: Don’t take it too personal na… Afterall, I didn’t say anything. Let’s talk in the morning.
I kissed her and slept off. I rose at 6am and took off for my morning jogging.
She was still asleep when I left and I didn’t bother waking her up.
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