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5 hottest SPOTS women want you to touch during cex


Men love cex. We do. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Many women also love cex, although few of them quite as much as we do. If, however, you learn how to touch your woman in ways no man has ever touched her before, your chances of getting more cex from her will increase tenfold. In this article, we are going to talk about 5 Hottest SPOT Women Want you to touch During cex You can click here to gain instant Access.

Does Your Woman Scream Your Name When Having cex With You?

Generally most of the men like to touch the bre ast, va gina and butt of the women. But they are neglecting the other sensitive parts that induce women and give a lot of happy moments. If you touch these parts during the sex or foreplay she will get in the mood and feel special. Here are some but important points where women want to be touched.

1. HAIR Men always attracting to their gorgeous looks, so only this reason women are very punctuate about her hairstylist look. Hair wash, color, cut and styling these processes may be quit stress reliever. Running your fingers smoothly through her hair this is a proper way to send tingles down her spine..


2. NAPE OF HER NECK When you go to the nape of her neck, stay there few minutes and place few kisses there. In ancient Japan, the women’s back neck was like as very attractive by men, so this is one of the few place not covered by any cloth. In trendy times, the nape of the neck is usually neglected in favor of a lot of obvious pleasure centers, however never underestimates the facility of mild touches and kisses from her hairline to her shoulders.


3. COLLAR BONE Collarbone is very sexy part on women. So why not display your best for this beauty with touching and kissing? Pay absorption to this anatomy allotment while she’s still absolutely clothed, unbuttoning her shirt aloof abundant to acknowledge the clavicle and no further. You should come back on this part when the clothes have fully disappears as well to remind her of the anticipation it create when you started there.

Stop giving your woman reasons to cheat, stop making her cry when you are not around, stop giving her half baked cex. Take control of your bedroom.

Let me say this again, woman loves good cex! Not just any type of cex, but good cex – the type that makes them scream your name with pleasure as they get intense orgasms. The Only Guaranteed Way Of Giving them Good cex is to Last At least 20 min during cex.

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