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Video : See How Endowed Woman Fight Violently at a Popular Mall

The two women fight while people watched

Two women have publicly embarrassed themselves by engaging in a brutal fight in public at a popular mall while a crowd of eyes watched.

What caused the fight is unknown but the women threw caution to the wind to engage in a violent fight. From the video, the tall slim one gave the endowed short woman a thorough beating.

See video below:



Moses pulls out of Eagles friendlies


Photos : See How Gov Fayose Caused a Scene in Ekiti After He Stopped His Convoy to Buy Food in Public


Governor Fayose is known to indulge in normal day to day activities including things people in his social class would not readily do.

Now, in his usual style, the governor caused quite a scene today after stopping his convoy to buy and eat food in public.

His media aide, Bola Agboola who shared the photos wrote about what happened.

In his words: “We were on our way to Oke-Ako Ekiti, it was greetings here and there, The Lion was stopping intermittently to Hi and ‘Bless’ his people.

“We got to Ikole Ekiti, close to the gate of my Alma Matter, St. Theresa’s Nur/Pry School, the convoy halted again, The Lion was on his feet, so we alighted and rushed down to know what’s up, then we met this! 

“He had asked Iya Elewa to excuse him, he took charge and served himself, he ‘Blessed’ Iya Elewa and by-standing admirers before proceeding.

“We later stopped over at Elekole’s office where the governor spent additional two minutes in his Jeep to allow Gossy drive down the delicacy.

“Never knew my governor is a fan of Bread and Beans, it used to be my favorite those days in the street of Lagos.”



NDMG lauds Buhari, Kachikwu on petrol pricing


Do You Know You Can Get Pregnant without Having Intercourse? See Shocking Details


Do you know you can actually get pregnant without having Intercourse or penetration? According to a new report by MailOnline, conception without intercourse is possible.

Here is what the report by MailOnline reveals.


One thing not many people realise is that you don’t necessarily need penetration to conceive.

Potentially most worrying for frisky teens: women can get pregnant from ‘dry humping’, when a man and woman grind against each other without penetration, even if they’re wearing underwear.

It’s not common, but possible. If semen gets around the entrance of the vagina then it can result in conception even if there has been no intercourse.

‘If semen came into contact with your vagina then there is a risk of pregnancy,’ Family Planning NSW explains. Semen can even soak through underwear and you can, although it is rare, get pregnant from that too.

Another common misconception is that breastfeeding can act as a natural contraceptive and prevent pregnancy, but there is no evidence that this is the case.

Although breastfeeding up to six months after birth can decrease the chances of conceiving, it’s by no means 100 per cent effective.

And then there’s the ‘pull out’ method. Some people believe that if a man does not ejaculated, then it’s not possible to get pregnant, but this is untrue.

‘Pregnancy can happen even if the penis is pulled out before ejaculation as the small amount of semen in pre-ejaculation fluid can come into contact with the vagina,’ NSW Heath explains.

Another way people try and prevent pregnancy, but often fail, is by using the rhythm method.

The rhythm, or calendar method, consists of couples abstaining from sex when the woman is in the ‘fertile’ part of her cycle where she is more likely to get pregnant.

However women can get pregnant at any time during their monthly cycle, including during their period.


You can’t get pregnant from anal or oral sex, or if semen does not get into contact with your vagina.

You can also not get pregnant if you’ve gone through menopause and are no longer fertile – despite what Kris Jenner’s apparent ‘scare’ on a recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

It’s important to remember that no contraception method is foolproof, and it’s best to be careful if you don’t intend on getting pregnant.



Mel B's youngest daughter steals the show on the red carpet

Four-year-old Madison Belafonte is one to watch. The tot and her sisters, Angel Murphy and Giselle Belafonte accompanied their mum to the premier of Alice Through The Looking Glass but it was Madison who upstaged everyone with her sassy, diva poses.



Beautiful Joy Akabuike, victim of Peace Mass accident is in coma

Joy Akabuike, a graduate of Imo State
Polytechnic, is currently in coma following the ghastly accident
involving a commercial bus belonging to Peace Mass Transit and a truck
which occurred last Sunday in Umuahia. The split photos shows her taking a
pic before embarking on the ill fated journey and lying beside the
mangled bus shortly after the accident.

chat with you joy on Saturday night and you told me you will be
traveling on Sunday morning without knowing you’d get involved in an
accident.. Peeps Ada is in coma and needs our prayers. You shall be
healed INSHA All” a friend of her posted on Facebook

Please pray for her recovery.



Lol!! See How Freeze Blasts Pastor Who Gave Out 32 Cars to Nollywood Actors


The Senior Pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, Kubwa, Abuja, Joshua Iginla on Sunday, recently gave out 32 cars out of which were 16 SUVs to celebrate his birthday.

He gave out the cars to Nollywood actors and others.

The pastor’s action has however not gone down well with some Nigerians, one of whom is Freeze.

The OAP took to his Instagram page to air his opinion about the issue.

Below is what he posted:

He wrote: “How long are Nigerians going to continue being enslaved, under the grossly misinterpreted shackles, of 1st Chronicles chapter 16 verse 22 That states: “[22] Saying , Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm”?

“What is the biblical justification for giving out 32 cars, which in my humble opinion, is such a mentally impoverished act, in a country recently accused of being ‘fantastically corrupt’? The big question is, why did he give the bulk of the SUVs to celebrities? Really?

“In a time when the people who probably provided the funds for this vulgar largesse, by bringing their first fruits to the church in the form of tithe and offering, can barely feed?

“Thankfully, I was in church last Sunday, listening to Pastor Tony Rapu, when he said that people should be careful not to allow men of God lead them away from God, because I was almost certainly going to stop attending church services due to a nasty experience I had with one of my previous pastors, who conducted a marriage ceremony for one of my friend’s estranged husbands, who was still married to her at that time of his new and 3rd wedding.

“As I write this, he hasn’t made a move to get a divorce from his last wife, yet he is ‘happily married’ to a new one. In short, the pastor conducted a polygamous wedding, and I am supposed to iron my clothes and wear my shoes and go there every Sunday to fall under his anointing?

“The bible says judge not and I won’t judge, however, the bible also says in the book of Thessalonians I chapter 5 vs 21 “[21] Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”. According to my personal experience, the pastor that conducted a polygamous marriage was neither proven nor good for my spiritual growth. The same applies to the other one, who gave out cars.

“This was why I reasoned with El Rufai, when he suggested a board be set up, to regulate religious activities, as these folks can dangerously manipulate the minds of their followers. Besides, less religious countries like Sweden or Germany are much better places than Nigeria, so who religion ep?”



Photos from Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi's shoe anniversary event

The OAP invited friends and colleagues to a restaurant in VI on Sunday May 22nd as she celebrated the one year anniversary of her shoe brand, Gbemisoke shoes. Kunbi Oyelese, Sasha, Bovi, Debola Williams, Olamide Akintobi, Funke Bucknor-obruthe, Tania Omotayo, Omalicha, Tee A and many others were there. More photos after the cut…



Touching : See How Igbo Trader Died After Paying N10m Ransom to Kidnappers

A trader identified as Mr. Kenneth Ekeanyanwu, has died barely two weeks after he paid N10m as ransom to secure his release from kidnappers in Calabar, Cross River State.

The man who owned Daybreak Bakery along Chamley Street in Calabar, was kidnapped by gunmen from his factory on May 6 and was said to have been released on May 11.

However, after paying the money, Ekeanyanwu was taken straight to the hospital after he gained freedom due to his deplorable health condition as a result of his torture by the kidnappers. He later died at the hospital.

According to reports, Igbo traders had threatened to close down all shops operated by traders from the South-East extraction in Calabar to protest against the incessant kidnap of their kinsmen. The sudden death of Ekeanyanwu will surely cause tension in the area as traders have complained endlessly about their predicament without any help.

According to a Punch report, the President-General, Igbo Community in Cross River State, Chief Albert Enya, has expressed shock over the demise of Ekeanyanwu.

He stressed that his death was unacceptable, adding that government must take extreme measure to stop kidnapping.

Enya said, “The news of Kenneth Ekeanyanwu’s death is a big shock to the Igbo community in the state and it is highly unacceptable. The government must intensify effort to completely annihilate this hydra headed problem.


“We want appeal to the Governor Ben Ayade and the Cross River State House of Assembly to pass the law on death penalty against kidnappers as obtainable in states like Anambra, Edo and few others. This is the only way to handle this matter that will serve as a deterrent to others.”

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. John Eluu, said he was not aware of the development.



Crazy : See How Man Killed While Taking Selfie with Monster Walrus (Photos)

The man took selfie with the animal before it killed him

A man in China has lost his life after he was killed by a walrus while taking a selfie. The man was playfully dragged into the water and drowned, according to eyewitnesses.

The dead man was a business man named Jia Lijun who had visited the park alone and had been taking videos and pictures to put on his social media account when the walrus, which reportedly weighed nearly 1.5 tonnes, grabbed him from behind.

According to the report, Jia’s family learned the tragic news on the evening of May 11.

The incident occurred earlier this month at Xixiakou Wildlife Park in Rongcheng city in the north-east of the country, reports the People’s Daily Online.

Giving more details about the matter, a friend of Jia, surnamed Wu, said the man was very excited about meeting the walrus and had sent many photos and videos to friends.

Wu was a recipient of the videos.

He told local reporters: ‘Who would have thought that at three o’clock he would send me a video, talking and laughing and just a few minutes he was drowning in the water.’ 

Wu learnt from an eyewitness that the attack came when Jia was posing for a selfie.

Wu added: ‘His back was to the walrus, and he took a selfie, the walrus came from behind and pulled him into the pool to play. He was killed by the walrus, he didn’t accidentally fall into the water.

However, there have been mixed reports since the incident. According to onlookers, the walrus clung to the man from behind and dragged him to the pool of water, submerging him and swinging him around.

The animal’s keeper surnamed Duan found some bamboo sticks to try and rescue the man however it didn’t go to plan.

He then decided to enter the pool.

It was at this moment that the animal released Jia and rushed towards Duan.

Duan has been described as a ‘strong swimmer’ by his colleagues but unfortunately the huge walrus held both men in a tight embrace and dragged them under the water.

By the time they were rescued, it was already too late.

The zoo has taken responsibility for the accident and has paid Jia’s family 900,000 yuan (£94,000) in compensation.



WTF!! See the Strange Vehicle Plate Number that Got People Talking (Photos)

This vehicle was spotted in the Garki area of Abuja and a shocked social media user photographed it for public view.

The vehicle’s plate number in question

A car owner in the Federal Capital Territory in Abuja was bold enough to put up a customized plate number which reads ‘Witch’.

This has prompted some social media users to insinuate the owner of the jeep could be the president of the witches in Nigeria.

Read the account of the news poster:

“So I was out walking with my friend yesterday’s evening when my eyes caught hold of what it could not help but call my entire attention to. A really cool customized licence plate with a pretty weird caption spotted near area 1 shopping centre.

As a curious mind I refused to pass and mind my business so, as my yeebo brothers would say: Just Negodu!”

See another photo:



Johnny Depp and Sacha Baron Cohen get touchy-feely on the red carpet

The duo who star in Alice Through The Looking Glass were at the movie’s premiere in Los Angeles and things got steamy as the pair played up for the cameras, running their hands over each other.



Piers Morgan thinks Kim K should act more like a role model

At the Vogue 100 Gala held in London last night, Kim defended her right to post nude pics but Piers Morgan thinks she’s wrong. Appearing on Good Morning Britain, the 51-year-old said the reality star
has a responsibility as a role model, to behave in a certain way.

 Kim said: ‘For me, it wasn’t even about flaunting it. I felt good about
myself so let ME do what I feel comfortable with. If you are
conservative and if you’re not comfortable with that, that’s amazing too’ 

But Piers Morgan said: ‘Kim Kardashian just called me amazing. She’s
wrong about the naked selfies. Do that to Kanye. I’ve got no problem
with what she does in her own life.

Doing it to a bunch of millions of young girls… is that really the
arbiter of success for women in the world now? No, it’s not. Actually,
she looked very stylish last night. Be stylish. Be cool, be sexy, be
genuinely empowering.’

He also took a shot at Harriet Harman who defended Kim and her topless snaps.
He said: Now she wholeheartedly supports her topless selfies, saying
they’re empowering women and it’s all about gender equality.

‘Harriet’s digging herself in a little hole here,’ he said. ‘She needs to work out whether it is or isn’t offensive.’



Omg!! Watch How Vigilantes Where Caught on Camera Humiliating Prostitutes in a Brothel

The vigilante who is allegedly behind a police raid that saw prostitutes and their customers walking n*ked through the streets has humiliated African prostitutes in a violent raid at another Russian brothel.

Former kickboxer Viacheslav Datsik calls himself Red Tarzan and has declared war on prostitution in the city of St Petersburg.

The 36-year-old has reportedly been calling police and tipping them off, effectively orchestrating raids – but this time he personally conducted an attack.

Harrowing footage shows him and several other men including Stanislav Baretsky, a 44-year-old Russian musician and actor, raiding a brothel.

They enter a brothel room with a group of men – some have their hoods up and are wearing sunglasses.

Datsik can be seen holding a prostitute of African origin to the floor, pushing into her back with his knees.

He then appears to give her a beating as the camera pans around and intermittently blacks out.

Another video shows Datsik grabbing the hair and arms of two African prostitutes, so that he can show their faces to the camera.

All the while, Baretsky is standing next to them, but does not appear to physically harm them.

Datsik then asks the women why they ‘infect Russian citizens with AIDS’.

The former fighter said: ‘These sluts are infecting the last remaining white men of your nation with HIV. Now the whole country will see your face.’

Commenting on the videos, Netizen Katerinak said: ‘It is still not clear whether Datsik is a psychopath. He’s been admitted to two psychiatric hospitals and was then sent to jail. Psychos are not admitted to prisons in Russia.’

Netizen Sergey said: ‘If he brought a naked pimp to a police station that would be cool. Other than that it is pure humiliation.’

According to local media, police are now investigating Datsik – who already has a criminal record – and he may be charged over the two videos. The investigation is reportedly ongoing but so far no arrest has been made.

Viacheslav Datsik is famous for his dramatic knock-out of future Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski in 1999.

He was also in the headlines when he ripped open a can of beer with his teeth in protest at a neighbourhood watch group who were trying to shame him into parking properly.

Watch the video below:



Video :Unbelievable! China Invents HoverBus That Drives Over the Top of Other Cars While in Traffic

The Transit Elevated Bus by China

Think of getting stuck in traffic? Think no more of that as engineers in China, the world’s most populated country, have come up with a way to overcome the problem of getting around in traffic.

A model of a Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) debuted at the ongoing 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo.

TEB is a purely homegrown invention of China. Its passenger compartment rises far above other vehicles on the road, allowing cars to pass underneath, which will largely increase the utilization of road space.

“With a carrying capacity of 1,200 people at a time, the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of the subway. Its construction can be finished in one year,” said Bai Zhiming, engineer in charge of the TEB project.

The first test of such bus is planned to start trail operation in Qinhuangdao City, north China’s Hebei Province, in the second half of 2016.

Watch video below:



Now there is no money to run government – Amaechi


El-Rufai declares emergency over ‘tomato Ebola’

Kaduna state on Tuesday declared a state of emergency after moths destroyed swathes of tomato fields, threatening supplies of Nigeria’s leading staple food.

Nigerian farmers describe the outbreak as ‘tomato Ebola’ after the deadly disease that devastated West Africa in 2014.

The news from Kaduna state saw Nigerians voice fears on social media they would not be able to make jollof rice — a beloved national dish made with tomato paste — because of the scarcity.

Tomato prices have shot up as a result of the moth Tuta absoluta, adding to existing hardships from a 67 percent rise in the price of petrol and spiralling inflation in Africa’s largest economy.

“We have declared a state of emergency over the outbreak of a moth that has destroyed over 80 percent of tomato farms in the state,” Kaduna state agriculture commissioner Manzo Daniel told AFP.


The tomato shortage caused by the outbreak has caused prices to go up “astronomically”, he added.

A wholesale basket containing hundreds of tomatoes now sells for 42,000 naira ($212, 186 euros), up from 300 to 1,500 naira before the outbreak, he said.

“This is only the beginning of a disaster if we don’t take drastic measures because the disease is fast spreading across the north,” he warned.

More than 200 tomato farmers in the region have already suffered losses of more than one billion naira from the disease, he said.

Experts have been sent to Kenya to develop a strategy to combat the brown moth, which lays eggs on tomato plants and develops into a hungry caterpillar that feeds on the leaves, stems and fruit.

More than 90 percent of 17,000 hectares (42,000 acres) of tomato fields outside the northern city of Kano have been destroyed by the insect, according to the state’s agriculture officials.

A $200-million tomato processing factory built by Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote has been forced to shut down because of the shortfall in supply, managing director Abdulkareem Kaita said.

Tuta absoluta, which originated in South America and spread to Europe and Africa, quickly develops resistance to pesticides, making it difficult to contain.



North-East youths ask Fayose to apologise over comments on Chibok girls


Iyiola Omisore reacts to EFCC declaring wanted

The former Osun state deputy governor who was declared wanted today by EFCC for receiving N700 million from the office of the former National Security Adviser, NSA, has released a statement describing the EFCC’s action as blackmail. Read the statement below..

I read the statement issued by the Econimic and Financial
Crimes Commission (EFCC) purportedly declaring me
wanted as an attempt by that organisation and its
leadership to tarnish my image.
That statement, if indeed it was issued by the EFCC, is the
height of mischief and a deliberate attempt to assassinate
my character.

It is now very clear that the EFCC is indeed
playing out the script of persecuting and harassing
perceived opposition groups in the country.
To be sure, there is no basis for the EFCC so-called
statement. Only on Tuesday, May 24, we appeared in court
with the EFCC asking for the permission of the court for an
extension of time in the preliminary objection to a suit filed
against me.

The Managing Director of Firmex Gill which the EFCC joined
in their case indemnified me from the company’s contracts
and any such obligations. In other words, there is nothing
relating to me in the company’s contract deal with the Office
of the National Security Adviser (ONSA).

The company has
even sued the ONSA for its inability to pay the balance of
the contract so awarded to it.
Therefore, I am not aware of any issue relating to a contract
sum of N700 million. There was no issue of N700 million

The relationship between the company and ONSA
is civil and contractual, which has nothing to do with me.
Besides, so long as their business transactions are
legitimate and since I am not directly managing the
company, how am I to know who and who they do business
The EFCC should not be seen playing the role of political
victimisation of innocent individuals, coercion and
blackmail. Sadly that is simply what this organisation has
been doing. Blackmail, I strongly believe, won’t help EFCC.

If the organisation and its leadership think they have any
case against me, they should come to court with their facts.
This act of blackmail and deliberate tarnishing the image of
perceived political enemies won’t help the image of the
EFCC and it won’t get it result.

How can you declare someone you were in court with at
9.00a.m today wanted the same day, a few hours
afterwards? I am appealing to all human rights and civil
society organisations to caution EFCC from damaging my
reputation further. If they have facts, I challenge them to
bring them to court and not resort to blackmail, intimidation
and victimisation.

Senator Iyiola Omisore



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