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Boko Haram: 30 killed in fresh attacks

– Boko Haram has continued to trouble the peace within the northeast of Nigeria

– The latest attack by the jihadist has left about 30 people dead

Emerging reports suggests that about 30 people have been killed folloing attacks by the insurgents in the northeast.

Local sources reveal that Boko Haram militants came on bikes and in vans, attacking two villages within Borno state.

The Islamist-group first attacked Kachifa village on the night of Friday, February 12, and killed eight villagers.

They launched their second raid on the morning of Saturday, February 13 against the nearby Yakshari village, where they slaughtered 22 others.

Reports say that they claimed the lives of villagers by “slitting their throats before emptying food stores and taking away all the cattle.”

According to an AFP statistical report, Boko Haram terrorists have killed more than 1,650 people since the inauguration of Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in May 2015, and claimed the lives of over 17,000 people since the start of their insurgency in Nigeria in 2009. They also forced over 2.6 million others to flee their homes since then.

In their recent wave of terror acts in the volatile state, Boko Haram killed at least 85 people in a single village on January 30 and 58 more in a camp made for displaced people on February 9.

Source : Link N


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