This is the creepiest news of all time I must confess! Lifelike child ‘cex dolls has been designed by a man to stop pedophiles from ‘cexually attacking children. The creepy dolls were created by a pedophile to control his desires according to Mirror UK reports:
The dolls were designed by a man who admitted he is ‘cexually attracted to children – and wanted to help others control their urges.A company is manufacturing ‘cex dolls for paedophiles who want to control their ‘cexual impulses.
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And the founder says that they may well be a valuable weapon in the fight against the ‘cexual abuse of real children.
Shin Takagi has founded Trottla, a company which produces anatomically-correct imitations of girls, with ages as young as five.
And the reaction from the general public has been one of outrage.
Commenter Macdaddypastyman said: “Surely this can’t be healthy and it’s not a massive step for some sicko who has been practicing on a doll to snatch a kid and try it for real.”
Abeg, do you think the lifelike ‘cex dolls will help those pervs stop attacking children?
Utterly disgusted and disappointed... 😞