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10 Important Things That Happy Couples Do Together Before Marriage (Must Read)

Are you in a relationship with plans of settling down soon, then you might want to consider these tips to a great marital experience.
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There are certain important things that help the direction of our marriages. Such actions done before marriage help channel our energies in the right direction. Happy couples know this. They made sure to take care of this before they even got married.
1. They have a financial plan
While many may get scared or anxious about discussing finances with their partners, it is important to find some rhythm and know where you both stand when it comes to money. Having a direction as to where and how your finances go builds a solid foundation for your marriage.
2. They go for a road trip together
While any form of traveling is advised, happy couples tend to be more specific on the kind of travel they undertake together. Being able to “let go” and see where the wind takes you during a road trip together prepares you for the adventure that will come with marriage.
3. They build a great circle of friends
It all comes down to who you should be hanging around with when you become married. Having a great circle of friends adds to the vitality and support your marriage will need during the challenges you’ll face over the years. You should not underestimate the value or power a great circle of friends will add to the success of your marriage.
4. They discuss their expectations of marriage
Marriage is not a getaway card for boredom, loneliness, or unhappiness. Marriage is about complimenting each other and being there for the other person. Happy couples can relate with this and find ways to set their goals and expectations of what they want and expect from the other person. Yes, every expectation should be realistic.

5. They spend time with each other’s families
When you get married, you aren’t just marrying a partner, you will be marrying another household. Most times, the families of your partner would be in their lives. By getting to know the family of your partner you will be able to discern and understand your partner better since a family has a way of influencing its members.
6. They know what they can take and cannot take
Yes, marriage is about compromise. However, we are all different when it comes to the things we can tolerate and things we cannot tolerate. Happy couples know this and they do well to know what their boundaries are when it comes to the things they can tolerate in a marriage and the things they just won’t accept.
7. They deal with managing a crisis together
Being in love and the excitement of wanting to be in each other’s company can distort one’s judgment. Just as the interesting feeling of being with the one you care about, you can also have some chaotic feeling on certain matters with them. Dealing and handling a crisis or dispute prepares you for a happy marriage.
8. They share important secrets
Secrets have a way of breaking strong bonds. Happy couples are honest with each other about everything. Preparing for marriage gives them the opportunity to share their past and also make the other person aware of their worst selves.
9. They spend time together
Before marriage, happy couples spend so much time together trying to understand each other better. Being close to your partner gives you the opportunity to share your feelings, communicate, and perceive what they are all about.
10. They set clear goals
Marriage is not all about splendor, but also about desires. What do you want from your marriage? Happy couples learn to set clear goals and do well to pursue them in the course of their marriage. Before marriage is always the best time to know where you are headed. Goals like buying a home, bearing kids, or paying off student loans can be ideal in helping you plan and direct your energy in the right direction.


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