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Photos: Davido Buys His Girfriend Chioma A Brand New N20Million Porcshe Car As Birthday Gift (Video)


“We Are Not Lazy” – Nigerian Youths Reply President Buhari, Share Photos Of Their Handiwork

President Buhari a few days ago made a statement at the commonwealth, where he tagged Nigerian Youths as a Lazy Bunch who want free things.

This has so far caused uproar on Social media, with many youths trending the hashtag #LazyNigerianYouths, as they show off their handwork.

The picture of a lady, Kate Ogechukwu, a Second class Upper gradate of History and International Relations from Ebonyi state University who sells Charcoal for a living was shared…

Sharing the photo on Twitter, the caption reads: “Meet Kate Ogechukwu, a Second Class Upper graduate of History and International Relations from Ebonyi state university, decided to go into charcoal selling to make ends meet, due to lack of jobs”.

Another user on Twitter wrote; “I am a 2nd class upper graduate of Chemistry Science from University of Lagos. I am now a shoe make cos I couldn’t get a job, I am not lazy, I am not lazy I am not lazy. #LazyNigerianYouths.

Another Twitter user, a graduate and a tailor, @KuloDesigns, writes: “I am not lazy and I don’t want free anything. I make some of the best casuals and agbada on this side of the world. Order for one today. Delivery nationwide.”

Another Twitter user wrote: “I am Nigerian. I paint homes and offices for a living. @MBUHARI I am not lazy, we are not lazy!:”




@newscantell wrote: “You’d finish school with good grade in Nigeria but you don’t get to see jobs with good pay. You’d start up a business but the economy is too hard for you to succeed. You’d start making money but SARS will take you as a criminal. Nigerian youth are not lazy”.

Gbemi O, a media personality wrote: “I am an on-air personality, fashion entrepreneur, event MC, event coordinator, media consultant + part time actress, inferencer and the list goes on. I’ve never had only one job! Even during NYSC, I had two jobs!!”

Emmanuel Chibuzor Okeke, a graduate of Plateau State Polytechnic has counted himself out from those President Buhari refers to as ‘lazy’

He shared photos of the pastries he makes, including Chin-chin and wrote:

“Mr President, My name is Emmanuel Chibuzor Okeke and I’m Not a Lazy person. I’ve handwork. M-H-M. Muscle Hustle Money”



#BBNaija Winner Miracle Picks Up His Hyundai SUV Car Prize, And Cashes In His N25Million Naira Cheque (Photos)

Winner of Big Brother Naija 2018 reality television show, Miracle has finally received the cheque of 25 Million from the organizers of the programme.

Miracle was presented his cash worth of 25 million Naira and a car on Monday.

The presentation was done at the BBNaija Press Conference held in Lagos.

Miracle emerged winner of the just concluded reality show tagged, “Double Wahala” after beating 19 other participants to the grand prize.



Update On Pastor Who Ordered His Female Church Member To Take Off Her Underwear And Open Her Legs For Pregnancy To Enter Inside (Photos)

Few days Back A Facebook page named Naija Watch Claimed that This Nigerian Pastor Took Off  the Underwear Of his Female Church Member and Opened Her Legs Wide And Ordered Pregnancy To Enter Inside

He Posted the Picture with the below caption;


The Post instantly went viral with about seventeen Thousand shares Two thousand Comments and two thousand Likes

Well according to our investigation that news is false and we have tracked down the original poster of the Pictures and it was posted by a Ghanaian actor named Mensah Mark, and it was all from a film he was shooting…


Nigeria President Buhari Meets Donald Trump in Washington

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has become the first leader from sub-Saharan Africa to be received by US President Donald Trump in talks at the White House on Monday.

They have been expected to discuss shared economic and security interests.

But many will also be watching the talks closely after a row over Mr Trump’s alleged use of the word “shithole” to describe African nations.

Mr Trump denied being a racist after the reported crude remark.

He also denied making the comment.

During the meeting, Mr Trump commented on their “great relationship” and planned talks about trade and security.

“Especially as it relates to terrorism,” Mr Trump said, adding that “we’ve had serious problems with Christians who have been murdered, killed in Nigeria”.

“We’re going to work on that problem and work on that problem very, very hard, because we can’t allow that to happen.”

What’s the agenda for Trump-Buhari talks?
The two leaders may be keen to put the scandal behind them to focus on more pressing issues, writes the BBC’s Nigeria correspondent Mayeni Jones.


2019 Presidential Nomination Forms Costs A Whopping N10Million

The Senate on March 30, passed the Electoral Act No 6 2010 (Amendment) Bill 2017 and one of the things it will do when signed into law, is abolish arbitrary fees for nomination forms fixed by political parties.

Before now, the parties demanded high fees for nomination forms from aspirants, fixing a price as it deemed fit.

President Muhammadu Buhari famously claimed he borrowed money to pay for his nomination form which cost N25 Million, in the build up to the 2015 general elections.

However, the Bill has now put a N10 Million limit on the forms.

The Bill is also aimed at instituting reforms in the electoral process by making it more free, fair and credible.


– It stipulates that “there shall now be full biometric accreditation of voters with smart card readers and/or other technological devices, as INEC may introduce for elections from time to time”.

– It provides that “presiding officers must now instantly transmit accreditation data and results from polling units to various collation centres. Presiding officer who contravene this shall be imprisoned for at least five years (no option of fine)”.
– It states that “all presiding officer must now first record accreditation data and polling results on INEC’s prescribed forms before transmitting them. The data/result recorded must be the same with what they transmitted”.

– INEC now has unfettered powers to conduct elections by electronic voting.
Besides manual registers, INEC is now mandated to keep electronic registers of voters.

– INEC is now mandated to publish voters’ registers on its official website(s) for public scrutiny at least 30 days before a general election and any INEC staff that is responsible for this but fails to act as prescribed shall be liable on conviction to six months’ imprisonment.

– INEC is now mandated to keep a national electronic register of election results as a distinct database or repository of polling unit by polling unit results for all elections conducted by INEC.
Collation of election result is now mainly electronic, as transmitted unit results will help to determine final results on real time basis.

– INEC is now mandated to record details of electoral materials – quantities, serial numbers used to conduct elections (for proper tracking).

– A political party whose candidate dies after commencement of an election and before the declaration of the result of that election now has a 14-day window to conduct a fresh primary in order for INEC to conduct a fresh election within 21 days of the death of the party’s candidate.
Political parties’ polling agents are now entitled to inspect originals of electoral materials before commencement of election and any presiding officer who violates this provision of the law shall be imprisoned for at least one year.

– No political party can impose qualification/disqualification criteria, measures or conditions on any Nigerian for the purpose of nomination for elective offices, except as provided in the 1999 constitution.

– The election of a winner of an election can no longer be challenged on grounds of qualification, if he, the (winner) satisfied the applicable requirements of sections 65, 106, 131 or 177 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), and he is not, as may be applicable, in breach of sections 66, 107, 137 or 182 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999. (For example, a person’s election cannot be challenged on the grounds that he did not pay tax, as this is not a qualifying condition under the constitution.)

– All members of political parties are now eligible to determine the ad-hoc delegates to elect candidates of parties in indirect primaries. The capacity of party executives to unduly influence or rig party primaries has been reasonably curtailed, if not totally removed.
Parties can no longer impose arbitrary nomination fees on political aspirants. The bill passed prescribes limits for each elective office as follows:
(a) N150, 000 for a ward councillorship aspirant in the FCT;
(b) N250, 000 for an area council chairmanship aspirant in the FCT;
(c) N500, 000 for a house of assembly aspirant;
(d) N1, 000, 000 for a house of representatives aspirant;
(e) N2, 000, 000 for a senatorial aspirant;
(f) N5, 000, 000) for a governorship aspirant; and
(g) N10, 000, 000) for a presidential aspirant.

– Relying on the powers of the national assembly in Paragraph 11 of Part II (Concurrent Legislative List) of the Second Schedule (Legislative Powers) to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), the senate also passed measures reforming procedures regulating local government elections. State independent electoral commissions can no longer conduct elections that do not meet minimum standards of credibility.
Also, any INEC official who disobeys a tribunal order for inspection of electoral materials shall be imprisoned for two years, without an option of a fine.


Student Cries Out After He Paid N321K For The New Iphone X But Gets A Box Filled With Concrete Instead (Photos)

A student who paid hundreds of pounds for an iPhone box filled with concrete wants to stop others falling victim to the scam.

Newcastle University student Omar thought he had found a bargain when he discovered a new iPhone X for sale online for £650.

Little did he realise that he was about to become the victim of a fraudster who used concrete putty to make the empty box feel heavier.

Using the boot sale app Shpock, Omar arranged for the phone to be brought to his accommodation in central Newcastle on April 3 by a man called “Jamie”.

He handed over the £650 in cash and “Jamie” wrote out a receipt with an address in Sunderland.
Omar said: “Once I gave him the money he kind of almost ran away.

“It was actually a present for my mum, that’s why I didn’t open it on the spot, I wanted to give it to her sealed.”

Omar, who has asked us not to share his full name, only realised what had happened once the scammer had driven off.

“Once I got back to my room I opened it and I soon realised it was a scam.

“The concrete he used matches the weight of the actual iPhone X.

“I have quite a lot of Apple products and I have held the box, I know what it weighs and it’s very similar.

“I had to pay my rent a week or two later so I struggled with that.

“I was not cautious enough and feel quite stupid about what I did.”

After contacting the police, officers took the box away for analysis but have so far been unable to trace the man responsible.

Omar, who is originally from London, believes the criminal is still operating on Shpock and has warned others to take care buying phones online.

He added: “£650 is quite a lot of money for a student or for anyone.

“I hope the person gets caught.”


Birth Control: Lady Suffers Birth IUD Complications Which Made Her Legs Get Amputated And Also Almost Took Her Life (Photos)

A lady who suffers birth intrauterine contraceptive device complications has taken to her Facebook page to share her story.

Read her story below;
“Sometimes things happens in your life and you dont know why. You question yourself why me or what did i do to deserve this?
But what you should be asking is what can i learn from it. Im finally coming out to tell my story because i feel like i can help someone.

Im not here for people opinions but to simply tell my story. Six weeks after i had my daughter i was offered by the doctors a form of birth control called the IUD. I accepted because i was told that it was safe and it was he best type. It had never gave me any problems up until November of 2017. I had it for 3 years so far. I was told that it is good for 5 years. I went to my yearly check up in October and i was asked about birth control and i told that i had an IUD.

They checked and told me that they couldnt find an IUD and that it may have fell out but i knew for a fact that wasnt the case. They sent me to get two types of ultrasounds the same day and i was told once again that they didnt see an IUD. One day jn the beginning of November i was at work i had a sharp pain and the bottom right of my stomach and the first thing that popped in my head was is this that IUD? But i tried to brush it off but the pain was getting worse. I left work 3 hours early to go to the hospital.

I went to the hospital and i told them what was going on and what the doctors was telling me so they immediately sent me to get an Xray done. The doctor came in the with a weird look on her face and said the IUD is definitely in there but its pushed up in your stomach so you will have to get surgery. She told me to call my OBGYN to schedule a date. I went and talked to my OBGYN, told him everything that was going on and even showed him the Xray picture that they allowed me to take. So he also said i have to get surgery. So i asked him how would they have to get it out and he told me they would cut me right under my belly button and use a scope. On December 13th i went in to get the procedure done. Instead of 1 , i was cut 3 times. One under my belly button and one on each of my side. They was able to get it out but it was broken into pieces.

I was told that it had moved up to my liver. When i left the hospital i was bleeding but my mom was told that it was normal. Over night i begin to bleed heavier and the pain got worse. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and once i got to the hospital my mom told the doctors everything that was going on. They rushed me to xrays done and then rushed me to surgery. I was bleeding internally. After the surgery my mom was told that when they open me up, my ovaries was black and that they had to give me a hysterectomy.

After the surgery i went into septic shock causing me to be in ICU for a few weeks. I died on that surgery table. While in ICU my organ began to fail. I was on a breathing machine, i was on dialysis cause my kidneys wasnt working right. Everythint that could possibly go wrong went wrong. My parents was told that i was the worst patient on the floor and that they didnt think i was going to make it. But with faith and God the prayers that everyone sent out, i am here today. Next week i have to get myself prepare again for a second surgery to get my toes amputated by i swear i came so far and im not letting anything stop me.”


Expose Video: “Emzor Pharmaceuticals Are Responsible For Codeine Epidemic In Nigeria” – BBC Undercover Report Reveals

Emzor Pharmaceuticals is currently in hot water after one of its Sales Reps was caught selling bottles of Codeine illegally to undercover reporters.

The reporters who posed as drug dealers received the shock of their lives when the rep sold 60 bottles of the drug to them adding that anything he sold to them was fresh from the ‘oven’.

The bust was part of a documentary carried out by BBC reporters on the codeine epidemic in Nigeria. The documentary revealed that in two Nigerian states alone, over 3 million bottles were consumed every day.

Giant Pharmaceutical Company Emzor (Who Also Make Panadol Extra etc) Have Just Been Exposed To Been Responsible For The Codeine Epedimic In Nigeria 3million Bottles Of Codeine Are Been Consumed Daily In Atleast 2 States In Nigeria And Emzor Is Making Billions Of Naira From Turning Nigerian Youths To Junkies – BBC Undercover Video Report Reveals

Read Also: In October 2017, the Nigerian Senate called for an investigation to stop the growing abuse of Codeine cough syrup. Mr. Bashir Garbai (APC – Borno) said, “the new cancer ravaging the women and girls in the North”. The statement is true and highly alarming! The undercover investigation by BBC Africa confirms this via a short video that has been uploaded on their official site, a few hours ago.

The video titled “Sweet Sweet Codeine” exposes one of the cough syrup sellers who sold 60 bottles of Codeine to the BBC undercover journalist assuming him to be a drug dealer. During the initial conversation that happened in a restaurant the seller revealed, people at times come to him to get the syrup without any money and they are even ready to “drop their car keys” to “satisfy the urge”.

The pharmaceutical company name that surfaced in the time of the undercover exploration is Emzor. Emzor is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria that manufactures the cough syrup. The man in the video who sold the cough syrup told the BBC undercover reporter that the bottles are freshly baked from “Emzor factory”. According to Emzor the man doesn’t have access to huge amount of Codeine syrup and therefore, is now under investigation.

Although the reasons behind the drug epidemic in the Northern half of Nigeria are often cited as lack of proper education, poverty, hopelessness, depression; Codeine is victimizing lives belonging from middle class to upper middle class families. The BBC undercover investigation video unravels how young population is enjoying the cough syrup mixing it with soft drinks.

Rehab centers, as featured in the video are placing their best foot forward to help some addicts get rid of the Codeine enslavement. Addicts there are kept chained and can be observed displaying abnormal behavior. to watch the full video: BBCAfrica Twitter Account

Neither the cough syrup addiction a new issue, nor the drug dealing in African countries. But the Codeine epidemic has become a social concern. It is so widespread that the Rehab Officer Sani Usani tells BBC that no one is safe. The addiction is spreading from “one home to another”. Is there an end to this lethal craving? The future of mankind seeks an answer!


Photos & Videos: “I Am In Love With Chioma” – Davido Says, Kisses Her Passionately, Releases Song Dedicated To Her ‘Assurance’ (Download Mp3)


Nigerian Gospel Singer Shares Testimony And Thanks Her Pastor, Enenche, For Healing Her Of Her Acne

Nigerian Gospel singer sharonee_muzik just took to instagram to share her testimony on how God healed her from Acne;

Who says miracles aren’t real? who says they are temporal?
April is about to end and I haven’t forgotten that it was April 13th last year that my father Dr Paul Enenche cursed the terrible acne on my face, that defied all medical and natural remedies. He said “I command you to dry up!” and he told me sometime later after it had dried up (it dried up the next morning after that decree) “it will never come back”

Its a year now and I am still free. I had to compile a lot of photos to shame the devil that wanted to make me ugly.
It wasn’t coincidental that we sang today in the choir a song titled “thank you Lord” a song by Dr Paul Enenche. I sang that song from every fibre of my being because a lot crossed my mind while we sang.
A lot happened from that 13th of April encounter that hasn’t left me the same.
I am grateful to my healer and also thankful for the blessing of a spiritual cover.

Whatever God does is permanent. Miracles are real and they are forever.


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