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Finally Buhari’s Ailments And Real Age Revealed By UK Doctors (Must See)

A source familiar with President Muhammadu Buhari’s medical treatment in London has revealed to SaharaReporters that, apart from a lingering prostrate flare-up and other chronic conditions, the Nigerian leader has also recently been battling with a persistent “internal organ” problem, a fact this website reported on Sunday.

The source attributed President Buhari’s inability to eat as well as his progressive loss of weight to Crohn’s Disease, a medical condition that has affected his digestive system.

According to the source, Mr. Buhari had had parts of his colon removed in 2013 and also had another operation to have hemorrhoids, swollen veins near the human rectum, removed in 2016 in London during one of his secret trips to seek urgent medical treatment.

The latest revelation appears to validate a claim by Mr. Buhari’s wife, Aisha Buhari, to the effect that her husband was dealing with “internal organ failure.”

In interviews, several doctors in Nigeria and the UK told Saharareporters that the fact that Mr. Buhari was an outpatient indicated a condition consistent with Crohn’s disease. Two of the doctors stated that it was likely that President Buhari’s course of treatment for his prostrate and other issues led to a complication and worsening of his Crohn’s disease. SaharaReporters had reported that Mr. Buhari also has prostate cancer that was first treated by UK doctors shortly after the Nigerian leader lost the 2011 presidential election to former President Goodluck Jonathan.

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract, leading to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Inflammation caused by the disease can affect different areas of the digestive tract in different patients, but doctors interviewed for this report disclosed that it usually occurs in the intestines, where the inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease often spreads deep into the layers of affected bowel tissue.

Doctors also revealed that Crohn’s disease can be both painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. “When it occurs in younger people, there is a higher chance of future complications than in older patients,” one doctor told our correspondent. He added that the disease “often worsens with age.”

According to the doctors consulted for this report, while there is no known cure for Crohn’s disease, palliative therapies can greatly reduce its signs and symptoms and even bring about long-term remission. Some of the doctors stressed that, with proper treatment and management, many patients with Crohn’s disease are able to function well.

The doctors stated that the cause of Crohn’s disease is largely unknown. However, one doctor said the condition was likely due to an abnormal response of the immune system. Food or bacteria in the intestines, or even the lining of the bowel, may cause the uncontrolled inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease.

The doctors disclosed that the inheritance pattern of Crohn’s disease was also unclear, noting that several genetic and environmental factors are often at play in the occurrence of the disease. According to one doctor, the condition tends to “cluster in families.” He explained that having an affected family member was deemed to constitute a significant risk factor for the disease.


South Africa Deports 97 Nigerians

The South African Government has deported 97 Nigerians for committing various offences in the country. The deportees landed at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, on Monday night in a chartered aircraft with the registration number GBB710 from Johannesburg. .
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that they were made up of 95 males and two females. Six of the deportees were returned to the country for drug offences while 10 were arrested and deported for other criminal offences.
The others were said to have committed immigration offences. All the deportees were profiled by officials of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) while those deported for drug related offences were handed over to the Police for further investigation.


“She Is A cheat & a Liar” – White Wedding Pictures Of #BBNaija Gifty Released By Husband’s Cousin

The cousin to Gifty’s alleged Husband, David Sorochukwu Akumah has revealed more details and shared photos as proof to show that indeed Gifty of Big Brother Naija is a married woman.

Recall when Gifty was in Big Brother House, traditional wedding pictures with her alleged husband, David Sorochukwu were posted online.. and then when she was evicted from the house, she claimed she’s not married and has never been married.. that the whole wedding thing was a Lie…

But these proof by her husband’s cousin, Augustine Akumah is saying otherwise.

Read The Details below and See photos below:

#GiftyBBN.. It’s appalling that you will never in your life be truthful even when you are caught in the act. JESUS!

I am Engr David Akumah’s Cousin who refused to be quiet even though my family members are mostly scholars and God fearing,…and wish not to meddle with things that will bring more disgrace to the family’s name…
but now I say Enough is Enough! Please Readers be aware

Gifty is Married to my Cousin David Sorochukwu Akumah AkA Sodafaces… a renowned Nollywood Director and Producer whom am not surprised that he decided to keep quiet over this matter till now because of his meek nature as a Quiet-Busy-Responsible man and had in the Past, vowed not to be associated with what ever Gifty is involved in because of scandals.

For the Records! My Cousine David never uploaded Gifty’s wedding pictures as an instrument in removing Gifty from BBN as accused, or to claim her further as his legally married wife,… rather what he did was to shut down Folders of upto 1000 copies of both Bachelors, Traditional and White wedding pictures of him and Gifty from his Facebook account, immediately after they had a problem that was not properly managed by the couple themselves about Gifty’s Cheating Life while still in his husband’s house.

It’s a Pity that Gifty is still a very big Liar, never truthful to her new Fans and will never be because that’s how her fake identified super model mother as she said in Pulse TV interview brought her up. Obviously you can’t give what you don’t have…Gifty was not morally brought up due to want of making it big with the mother by all means over the years.

Please Nigerians disregard whatever that comes out from that big fake liar’s mouth called Gifty because she cannot give what she does not have which is TRUTH. She was trained by a funny Mother who gave birth to over four children from different men inwhich all the children she have, never knew their father including the so called Gifty (#FACT).

Gifty… I decided to fight dirty through this piece of write up because you don’t know the disgrace you have robbed and brought upon Rev. Professor Akumah’s family which I belong to. You are a wife not some girlfriend of Mr2k or whatever he calls himself..and a point of advice to all men out there….please I beg of you try and find out a little info about any woman you are having an affair with because you may be sleeping with another man’s wife and thereby bringing a curse to yourself …don’t forget our traditions in Nigeria is still very strong to fight offenders…
…And for #BBN or #BBA…please make true identification findings about married people on your show before reducing our Nigerian morals to zero.

Gifty those pictures online you saw and decided to react with lies when the game is over was a 2014 mobile upload pictures you used your hand to upload through my Cousin’s phone when you guys were living together as husband and wife…obviously because you felt he had more Nollywood followers in FB than you and decided to use his platform unknowing to him of the wrong English expression you had attached to those posts of yours that turned against he is undergoing a public disgrace and accusation from your likers that he wants to either use you to sale out as a brand or bring you down…Rubbish! Something he innocently knows nothing about and even does not know how to react to the blackmail because he is also a public figure.
I swear you get luck no be me dey marry you…seriously I for finish you in this your stupid online game.

In their wedding on 6th April 2014, our former Governor His Excellency Senator DR. SAM EGWU was in attendance alongside other important government dignitaries at Assemblies of God Church Odunukwe in Abakaliki followed by a grand wedding reception at WDC Hall in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State (#VERIFY- Please you are free to ask your friends around Abakaliki because it was a huge wedding)

Gifty! that your Husband whom though do not want to change his mind in not bringing you back to his house after all his family’s persuasion to do so when your manipulative immoral mother came to his house at Asaba and took you away to Ghana simply because she asked for my cousin after one week of their white wedding to open a boutique for her (Gifty’s Mother) in a choice place in Lagos and he begged her to be allowed for sometime to enable him recoup from his just concluded wedding spendings which she vehemently refused and took you! her daughter away.

I can only say may God forgive you and your mother because to you people… traditional and white wedding is just like a one day bikini Party moneyooo my cousin take use package such wedding no be Paperooo Danm!…

Please Gifty this is not Liberia where your mum grew up…This is Nigeria where a woman can only leave her husband for good or bad either by way of tradition through giving Dowry back by the Elders or Court dissolving the union via Divorce proceedings.

Please Be wise and say the truth before you loose everything including your new fans and be rest assured that my cousin Brother may not accept you back because you and your mother have crossed the line…and if you continue blackmailing or threatening him weather publicly with your so called Online PR Team or phone calls as you and your mum is doing at the moment, then I will be forced to release Audio and Video facts of all of these am saying because I know some of your likers will still blindly say these pictures below i took with my own camera during their traditional and white wedding and also when the couple were signing Marriage certificate were all photoshoped or you are been framed as usual…So in absence of your next actions, I say May God help your mother to help you redirect your life positively before its too late since you both are inseparable. I believe you can also make it bigger with little or more morals like most of our Nigerian celebrities… GoodLuck


See photos below with their captions:


Nigerian Senate To Expel DSTV, MTN, Shoprite Over Xenophobic Attacks

Nigerian Senate on Tuesday weighed the option of expelling South African companies in Nigeria over xenophobic attacks.
This is coming as Nigerians in South African are at the mercy of various attacks by the citizens who believed that Nigerian citizens have taken over many of their jobs.
Senator Olusola Adeyeye representing Osun Central constituency of Osun State gave the hint during Tuesday’s plenary.

See tweet: Sen Adeyeye is hinting that Nigeria might have no option, but to expel @DStvNg @MTNNG @Shoprite_NG out of Nigeria over xenophobic attacks.


Photos: Two Chinese Arrested For Running A N5Billion Substandard Tyre Business In Lagos

Two Chinese nationals, Taolung Shen and Xu Jing Yau, are now telling the police in Lagos all they know about the over N5billion sub-standard tyre stuffing business which they have been running in the country. 

The two Asians were paraded before journalists  yesterday following their arrest, and the sealing of the warehouse where they had been cloning different sizes of tyres under such brand names as Powertrac, Aptany, Harmony, Duraturn, Bearway, City Tour, Winda, Glory, Chachland, City Grand and Grandsonte (tyre type) And Sunny (for tricycles), among others.

Much of the tyres arrived Nigeria with tyres stuffed into one another, sometimes as much as five stuffed in one, and had been bent and ruptured on several portions and looking weak and slack.

But the Chinese adorned the tyres with new labels and shinny linings to create impression of being new and healthy.

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) Director-General and Chief Executive, Osita Aboloma, who conducted journalists round the warehouse, described the tyres as dead on arrival, adding that allowing such consignments sale amounted to surreptitiously taking away the lives of millions of Nigerians.

He said stuffing tyres through the long sea journey from China to Lagos had already compromised the quality, not to talk of the crude way the tyres were separated on arrival in Nigeria and the poor storage facility, without sufficient aeration, in the warehouse, saying that his agency would not tolerate such.

 “SON intercepted one of their trucks on the highway, tracked it and then this. You can see the amount of danger that these people are posing to our people and our economy just because they want to make huge profit at the expense of the lives of Nigerians,” Aboloma said.

 He said getting to the premises of the company revealed a lot of illicit activities, including re-labelling, high level of stuffing of several tyres into one, tampering with expiry dates and storing the tyres in very adverse conditions.

“It is a clear case of investing millions in illicit business in order to take away the lives of millions of Nigerians. To destroy the lives of millions of Nigerians. If we should allow something like this, it will amount to killing Nigerians,” Aboloma said.

 He showed tyres in the January as manufactured date of manufacture, but that were already in the country as at the time of the seizure, despite that it would take months for shipments from China to arrive Nigeria, saying such anticipatory dating had criminal intentions.

“I want to reiterate that there is no hiding place for those who deal in substandard products as they would be caught and their products confiscated. Today’s is an example,” he said.

As much as five tyres were stuffed into one, with many of them already squeezed and weakened, though looking new, and the possibility that once in circulation, consumers would ignorantly take their outward neat look to mean they are healthy.

 “Nothing can be recouped from such stuffed tyres, no need to test anything because the tyres have already been destroyed on arrival, ” he said

 Aboloma thanked  SON Directorate of Compliance for discovering the warehouse and other meaningful Nigerians for  volunteering information to the agency, saying that those arrested in connection with the latest deal would be tried in line with the new SON act and if found guilty jailed.

 He said his agency was exploring all avenues towards nipping acts like these in the bud, and would as a matter of need, intensify activities towards market surveillance, inter-agency collaboration, as well as public sensitisation and consumer awareness.

“For us, it is a continuous fight. Currently, we are prosecuting about five cases in different high courts in line with the mandate of the SON, we burn sub-standard products when there is need to, following laid down procedures in all of these,” he said.

 Aboloma advised users of automobile tyres nationwide on the need to be extra cautious when making purchases of such products.

 He disclosed that the agency has uncovered a dangerous trend by some tyre importers and dealers tampering with the date of manufacture to deceive consumers.

The SON boss disclosed that dates of manufacture on tyres were being altered to deceive consumers that the tyres have longer life span with a view to making excessive profits, thereby putting the lives of users in danger. 

 He advised Nigerians to pay greater attention to the inscription of dates of manufacture on tyres to be able to discover those that may have been altered and report such to SON promptly. The dates according to him are usually in four numerical digits indicating month and year of manufacture.

He advised tyre users to henceforth demand that dealers indicate the dates of manufacture of the tyres on receipts whenever they are making purchases to make them liable for whatever they sell and further promote consumer protection. 

  According to him,  technically, stuffing unnecessarily expands the tyres or unduly compresses them, bend the wires round the tyre helms, and create sharp points, making them vulnerable to bursts on slight contacts, saying this should not be encouraged. Responding to the question of what the federal government was doing concerning Asian countries where much of the substandard products come from, he said the matter was being handled at the highest diplomatic level, expressing the optimism that the desired result would be got at the end of the day.

  Aboloma promised to ensure the prosecution of all those found to be involved in the nefarious activity in the interest of the populace and to serve as deterrent to other unscrupulous importers, adulterators and distributors of substandard products generally.


“How We Handle Disputes” – Mercy Johnson’s Husband, Prince Okojie Reveals

Mercy Johnson and husband, Prince Okojie, have weathered their fair share of storms, especially at the beginning of their marriage, with many labeling the actress ‘home breaker’.

But six years into their marriage and three kids to show for it, the soft-spoken Okojie has said that nothing else can break their home.

‘How We Handle Disputes’ – Mercy Johnson’s Husband, Prince Okojie Reveals Explaining how he and his wife handle disputes between them, he said,

“Prior to our marriage, I’d known my wife for three years; we actually met in 2008. We started living together in 2009 and we got married in 2011. It’s been God all the way, there’s no miracle or anything much, it’s just been God.

“With marriage break-ups and celebrity dramas, I think it depends on what one wants. For me, when I met my wife, I knew she was the one for me. The love, the affection and the tender care are all present, and although we might have some misunderstanding but when we sleep over it, we move on. My wife is my best friend, I hold her in high esteem and as a result of this, we don’t quarrel often. When we do, we learn from it and move to the next level,” he told New Telegraph.

He added that he has never had a situation where he would not speak with his wife for up to a day because of dispute, adding that he was enjoying his marriage to the fullest.

He said,

“I have a very big house, my wife has a very big room and so do I, but she has never spent the night in her room for one day. Sometimes when I tease her and say ‘go to your room’, she tells me ‘this is our room not your room’ and so most times we are always together. I have never experienced anything like this, my marriage to her is so sweet and I’m enjoying it to the fullest. Like I said, I won’t give the kudos to man but to God Almighty who has kept us in happiness, in peace and in harmony.”

Prince Okojie also said that he doesn’t watch any of his wife’s movies so he doesn’t have to deal with the emotions of seeing her do things that are required of her on set. ” he said.


Photos: 3 Months After He Couldn’t Trace The Sender, Man Returns The ₦900k He Was Wrongly Paid, To EFCC (Must See)

EFCC has urged the general public to be good and patriotic citizens by reporting any money deposited mistakenly into their various accounts.

The Commission stated this when Dr. Aliyu Usman Tilde, an academician, columnist and writer returned a draft of N900k, to the Gombe Zonal office of the EFCC. The amount was mistakenly paid into his account.

Three months after his account officer could not trace the origin of the strange alert, Dr. Tilde reported the case to the EFCC. Investigation by the EFCC however revealed that the amount belongs to a law firm that was counsel to Federal Ministry of Justice in a case that involved a former staff of Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Further investigations revealed that the clerk of the firm made a mistake in writing Dr. Tilde’s firm account number when submitting bank details to the client’s Ministry. Dr. Tilde raised a draft of the said amount in the name of EFCC EXHIBIT ACCOUNT and brought same to Gombe zonal office. The beneficiary firm has since been contacted.


Photos: Imo State Fishermen Catch Giant Sea Turtle And Kill It For Fish Peppersoup (Must See)

Giant sea turtle swims into its death in Imo River, Ihitte Uboma, Imo State. ( Crdt: Rikze)


Photos: Nokia’s 3310 Returns To Life As A Modern Classic (Must See)

Nokia has sold 126 million of its original 3310 phone since it was first introduced back in September, 2000. It was a time before the iPhone, and Nokia ruled with popular handsets that let you play simple games like Snake. Now the 3310 is making a nostalgic return in the form of a more modern variant, thanks to Nokia-branded phone maker HMD. Like its predecessor, it will still be called the Nokia 3310, but this time it’s running Nokia’s Series 30+ software, with a 2.4-inch QVGA display, a 2-megapixel camera, and even a microSD slot.

Those specs are still fairly basic by our modern phone standards, but that’s the beauty of such a basic featurephone. Unlike the brick-like sturdiness of the old 3310, the modern variant is a little smaller, thinner, and lighter all round. It’s also a lot more colorful this time around, with glossy yellow and red colors, and matte grey and dark blue models. It’s instantly recognizable as a Nokia, and HMD has even included a modern Snake game on the handset just to play on the nostalgia.

Opera Mini is bundled for basic web surfing, but the real selling point is battery life. Just like most feature phones, standby time on the Nokia 3310 is 31 days, alongside a talk time of 22 hours. That’s a massive amount of battery life, but as the phone is so basic you’re hardly going to be wasting battery away on Snapchat or Facebook.

HMD is planning to make the new Nokia 3310 available in Q2 this year for 49 euros ($52).


Nigerian Lady Itoro Essien From Akwa Ibom Posts After Sex Photos While Her Mates Were At Church (Must See)

So this Nigerian Lady Itoro Essien From Akwa Ibom was busy Posting After Sex Photos with her boyfriend this morning While Her Mates Where At Church (Must See)


Photos: Muma Gee Files for Divorce from Prince Eke, Over Domestic Violence, Battering, Infidelity, Fetish & Fraudulent Activities (Must See)

After six rugged years of marriage, singer Muma Gee has decided to end her long suffering and torture, by filing for divorce against Nollywood actor, Prince Eke.

According to her publicist and close friend Don Saint, more details will be released soon, as Muma Gee fears for her life and safety following series of death threats from Prince Eke, as collaborated yesterday in his post, that she should be prepared to rest in peace.

Photo evidence of domestic violence and battering, on the 5th of November, 2016.

According to Don Saint, Muma Gee has made an official report to the Nigerian police last night with regards to the matter.

Before meeting Prince Eke.

In Prince Eke’s post on the internet yesterday, the 25th of Feb. 2017 at 8:31pm, Prince Eke stated that Muma Gee should prepare to rest in peace, along with a photo of his kids and eldest sister.


On which according to Muma Gee, he took the photos when she granted him access to see their kids at Sheraton hotel between the hours of 5pm-7pm same yesterday, and as soon as they parted ways, he took the photos immediately and posted on the internet, thereby creating the impression that she abandoned her kids while he was just seeing them in months, neither did he call to ask after their welfare until the 24th of Feb. 2017. Unknown to her that his plan was to get the photos for his post, according to Muma Gee.

At home, after the meeting.

Below are photos of Muma Gee with her kids, before and after she took them to meet Prince Eke yesterday, and photo evidence of domestic violence and battering that led to their break up on the night of the 5th of November 2016, before he packed out of their house into a hotel next street to their home in Port Harcourt, and with all sorts of false allegations to assassinate her character, according to Muma Gee.


Photos: Taxi Driver Welcomes Chinese Baby With Wife Who Works As A Maid In A Chinese Company (Must See)

A youthful couple in Lusaka, Zambia has welcomed a beautiful baby boy into their family.. Mr Fabio Phiri a Taxi Driver and his wife Priscilla Phiri a Maid at China Engineering and Construction limited have thanked God for blessing them with a beautiful baby boy .
” I love my son , he is a blessing to me , because of him I have been forced to even work hard in life so that I can always provide for him , he is a big boy now and is 6 months old , I named him
after myself because he looks exactly like I do especially when I was a baby like him , his name is Fabio Ji Wu Phiri, the Ji Wu is a name we gave to him after my wife’s former boss Mr Ji Wu Young a Chinese engineer who was working at China Engineering and Construction limited , he helped us a lot when my wife was pregnant and has been very supportive to our family and the baby , even after he left Zambia , he still sends money to help us with up keep so the only way we could appreciate him is by giving some of his names to our son ” Mr Fabio Phiri narrated.

His wife Priscilla said she was grateful to God for giving her a beautiful and healthy baby boy ” am very happy for this gift of a beautiful baby boy , I love him so much and I am thankful to God for giving him to me ” she said .

Zambians have been left surprised by the baby’s ‘Chinese’ looks as some said; it looks like the Chinese contractors don’t only come and make Roads , They come to make babies too .


“I Know How Expensive Data Is” – Don Jazzy Launches Free Wifi In Lagos

On Friday, Mavin Records founder, Don Jazzy and technology company Tsaboin launched Flobyt, a free WiFi service forNigerians residing in Lagos.

According to Dele Odufuye, Tsaboin MD/CEO, disclosed that the WiFi service can be accessed in locations like eateries, parks, taxis, buses, restaurants, and cafés.

Odufuye said, “It’s quite easy. You simply walk into any of our partner outlets and patronize them. While you are at that, you can log into Flobyt’s free WiFi service available. Join the “Flobyt FREE Wifi” ”If your browser pops up for authentication, just visit or click on “Free Access” button shown to you. “We are using state-of-the-art WiFi technology equipment that balances speed, quality of service, security and data consumption.

These equipment are light weight and easier to manage. These are the technological and business edges”. he added. Don Jazzy, in his remarks, stated that “I believe so much in this. This is one of the few other investments we are going to be sharing with you.

“I have been on social media for a long time. I know how expensive data is. I give free airtime, now it’s time to give free WiFi,” he said.

Flobyt is currently installed in Bar Enclave, Ilupeju; FoodHouse, Ikosi; Lounge 9a, Anthony; Massimo Bar, Ikeja; Grace’s Cakes, Ogba; Jazzment Salon Lekki; Kayz Place Barbershop, Lekki; Amala Express, Lekki; White House, Sabo, Yaba and Road Star Burger, Lekki.


“When Your Man Cheats, Buy Him Condoms Instead Of Walking Out Of The Marriage” – Actress Seyi Hunter

Actress cum producer, Seyi Hunter, has advised her colleagues walking out of their marriages to get a legal separation from their estranged husbands if they are not willing to resolve their lingering marital crisis. .

In a chat with Vanguardngr, she condemned the manner in which female entertainers take a walk out of their marriages instead of coming to terms with its realities. According to her, there are lots of single ladies ready to jump at Ubi and Churchill immediately they decide to put an end to their crisis-rocked union. .

She said: “It isn’t right for any lady to walk out of her marriage for any reason, except domestic violence is involved. I am not talking about occasional slaps here and there. If he beats you like he’ll beat a thief, my dear sister you need to run for your life because he might kill you one day or disfigure you. .

But if you leave because of cheating, then you’re the most foolish person alive and you’re not going by the Holy Bible. The Bible says man shall not live by bread alone. You don’t expect him to eat Egusi soup the rest of his life; he has to eat Afang, Ogbono, etc, once in a while. .

Let’s not forget men are polygamous in nature, it’s been there right from the days of Abraham and it cannot be changed. The way entertainers are ending their marriage is alarming. If these ladies left their marriages because of their partners’, it means this generation is worse than I thought, because we’ve lost it.

No patience, understanding or endurance to allow the man test the waters once in a while. I hope they settle their issues, but if they won’t, let them hurry with the divorce, so that single girls can make their moves on these guys. .

Before the women eat me raw, women are not allowed to cheat. The men are to love us, care for us, support us in everything and provide for us, while we do all these and more for them. .

Every smart woman will provide her man with condoms and lubrication and pray that the Holy Spirit guides them to use it on their side chicks, so they don’t bring infection home to us.”


Photos: Young Man Weds Oyinbo Lady Old Enough To Be His Grand Mother (Must See)

Photos of this Young Man who just got married to an Oyinbo Lady Old Enough To Be His Grand Mother have been circulating online the most hilarious thing is the facial expression on a lady at his back.

Could this be True Love??


“This Is A Leader!” Omokri Salutes Osinbajo After Sack Of 9 Aviation Directors And Naira Strengthening


“Buhari Will Die Unless I Am Not Called By God” – Prophet Chukwudi Claims

Prophet Emmanuel Chukwudi of King of Kings Deliverance Church has again prophesied ‘doom’ on President Muhammadu Buhari.

The prophet also made startling revelations concerning the future of governance in the United States.

Recall that Prophet Chukwudi, among his prophecies for 2017, had said President Buhari would die before 2019 ends..

But the fiery prophet reinstated his stand on the prophecy, saying if Buhari did not die in office, then he (Prophet Chukwudi) was not called by God.

He made the fresh revelation during Sunday’s service at his church in Mgbo Court, Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi state.

He said, “Long time ago, I asked all to pray for their master, that he needed urgent prayers to avert the calamity of death at Aso Rock, but they were lazy.

“No one has bothered to reach me, now see what is happening. They don’t want to come for prayers. Things will get worse.

“I said he will be president, today he has become president, I said he will die, see what is happening.

“Nobody wants to come and see the man of God, no one cares. You think it’s like something you can wish away. You cannot wish it away.

“You people around the president, you are sleeping. You won’t do anything to pray for him.

“Let me tell you, until you come before the man of God, and kneel down and pray for the president, you are also heaping curses upon yourself.

“You think the calamity will visit only him? It will visit those who also heard and refused to do anything to save the president.

“While it’s still early, seek the face of God for the sake of Nigeria for the sake of President Buhari, and save the situation.

“But the Lord has even said that you will suffer due to your obstinate mind.

“Unless one arises to save the president, he shall never rule beyond one term.

“He shall certainly die in office, says the Lord, unless I am not God, says the Lord,” the prophet added.

Speaking further, he said former president of the US, Barack Obama, will join forces with certain elements in a fierce battle to oust President Donald Trump ‘If urgent steps are not taken, I see his presidency shaking.’

“They have vowed to make his government uncomfortable. Obama and other enemies of Trump are the ones behind it, and they are planning to remove him”, he claimed.


“A Husband Who Cheats And Uses You As His Punching Bag” – Tonto Dikeh Makes More Shocking Revelation About Her Ex-Husband

As her followers keep meddling into her failed marital affairs, so does she keep on revealing more shocking details about it – this time though, one of her fans only requested to know the secret behind her weight loss, saying she looks pretty and all.


The actress then shockingly replied saying:

“How? It was very simple having a husband who cheats on a roll and uses you for a punching bag and suffering gross verbal abuse sun up to sun down in my hone. I am sure any woman would lose weight. I look pretty because I am serving a living God who never sleeps.”


The actress had also liked a post on Instagram that called out her husband and referred to him as a scam.


“I Travel To Ireland (Dublin) To Have Sex With My Wife Each Time I Feel Horny” – Nigerian Singer

Nigerian singer, Sexy Steel who is in a “long-distance” marriage, disclosed what he does anytime he feels horny, in a new chat with Saturday Beats.

He says:

“If I am moved sexually, all I need to do is travel to Dublin to meet my wife” he said.

The singer, a proud father of two boys, who doesn’t like wearing his wedding bands, also said:

“As a person, I do not believe in wedding bands. We are not perfect but as a married man, there are some things that you should not be caught doing.

As an entertainer, wearing a wedding band translates to chasing my female fans away. If they think that someday they might get married to Sexy Steel, that is fine. It is what they think and it would help me enlarge my female fan base.

We are not bankers or doctors, we are in the entertainment business and there can be temptations at times but just keep your marriage away from social media and prying eyes.

Ladies love married men and if they want to have anything to do with you, they do not care if you are wearing a wedding ring or not. In fact, the wedding ring is an invitation for them.

These ladies believe that married men are so caring and they know how to take care of women. They know how to treat women right. I don’t bring my family to the social media or even the entertainment industry.

My family do not even live in Nigeria, they are based in Dublin. I am in Nigeria focused on my work. I am a disciplined person and I can never get carried away by any woman.

It is never going to happen. I am focused on the entertainment business and it does not mean that I should lose focus or forget the fact that my family is somewhere. Nobody can put my marriage asunder.”


Xenophobia: Nigerians Fight Back In South Africa, Confront Protesters With Guns & Cutlasses

Following the several attacks on Nigerians by South Africans, Nigerians in South Africa have according to new claims, taken up arms to defend themselves against xenophobic attacks currently going on in the country.

The ongoing alleged xenophobic attacks on Nigerians by South African reportedly took a new turn on Friday, February 24.

Reports from South Africa claimed that Nigerians have taken up arms in self defense against protesters who are reportedly marching against the continuous stay of Nigerians in the country.

The protesters believe that foreigners are taking over their jobs and business opportunities.

South Africa based pastor and former Nigerian Footballer pastor Idah Peterside reports that there was a stand-off in Pretoria, South Africa as Nigerians have refused to run away from the South Africans who are matching against them.

He tweeted saying:

“It’s a stand off in Pritoria,the Nigerians have refused to hide. The South Africans matching are been confronted with Nigerians carrying guns.”


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